I am so excited to see all of you on the first day of school! I hope you are excited to learn, work hard, and read this year.
Please check the Google Classroom for assignments and updates.
Any questions, please feel free to email me Ddilorenzo@jacksonsd.org
Our class is ALWAYS accepting donations of:
Tissues, Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, and Ziploc bags.
Our class appreciates it!
Important Information!
September 6-First day of school!
September 13- BTS night k-2
September 14- BTS night 3-5
September 25- No School
October 9- No school
November 6-8- shortened day, conferences
November 9-10- No school
November 22- shortened day
November 23-24- no school
December 11- Shortened day
December 22- Shortened day
December 25- January 1- Winter break
January 15- No School
January 29- No school
February 16-19- No school
March 11- Shortened day
March 28- Shortened day
March 29-April 5- Spring break
May 6- Shortened day
May 24- Shortened day
May 27- No school
June 11-14- Shortened day
June 14- last day of school