- Goetz Middle School
- Welcome
Welcome to Ms. Dilger's Health
and Physical Education classes!!
I hope everybody had a happy and healthy summer! I am here to assure you that I will do my best to provide your children with a safe learning environment along with seeking their best interest! With that being said, there are some specific guidelines and tips for PE this school year. They are as follows:
- Locker rooms will not be in use, students will bring their backpacks to class - please refrain from bringing valuables to school
- On PE days, students are expected to come to school in sneakers and active wear
- Attached below is a link to the Physical Education Overview for the 2022-2023 school year
Phys Ed Overview
Listed below is my email along with my schedule for the 2022-2023 school year
E-mail: bdilger@jacksonsd.org
A Day
FY 6th PE/Health Period 1-2a
FY 7th PE/Health Period 4-5a
FY 7th PE/Health Period 6-7a
B Day
FY 6th PE/Health Period 1-2a
S1 7th Current Events Period 4-5a
S1 7th Current Events Period 6-7a