Welcome to Seventh Grade Literacy

    Welcome to Seventh Grade Literacy with Mrs. Kocen!




    Please feel free to Email: tkocen@jacksonsd.org with any questions or concerns!   Google Classroom is where most class assignments are posted! Please refer to the supply list below.  Happy learning! :)

    Our year will be filled with many facets of literacy. Students will learn and practice Study Skills, Reading Comprehension, and Writing strategies based on the State Standards. We will be reading Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Drama. There will be a variety of writing assignments, including creative, argumentative, and narrative. We will be integrating source material in various types of writing following MLA formatting standards and the mechanics of writing. The students in this class will also be working on various research and creative writing.  Other differentiated activities and group projects will also be incorporated.

     All independent reading books are to be approved by the teacher or bring a book from home suitable for your grade level.  

    For upcoming assignments, please refer to Google Classroom. Thanks so much!  :)



    Mrs. Kocen 


    1. Fully charged Chromebook AND charger

    2. One inch 3 - ring binder 

    3. Pens/ pencils

    4. Tissues

    5. Hand sanitizer 

    6. Colored pencils/markers/ crayons/ highlighters

    7. Red Pen

    8. Pencil Sharpener 

    9. Headphones or earbuds 

    10. Grade-appropriate silent reading novel

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