• Welcome to 4th grade

    It was great meeting all of you at parent-teacher conferences!

    Looking forward to the holiday season. 

    Class holiday party on 12/19. Stay tuned for more information.

    If you would like to donate to our classroom, please check out our Amazon Wishlist. Any and all donations are appreciated but not expected.

    Students:  Google Classroom

    Parents/Guardians: Class Dojo

    ~Ms. Hartman

  • Important Dates

    12/4- Holiday Shop

    12/4- Picture Retakes

    12/9- Shortened Day for Students

    12/12- Tiger Trading Post

    12/17- Report Cards Available on Genesis

    12/19- Class Holiday Party 1:45-2:30pm

    12/20-Pajama Day & Shortened Day

    12/23-1/1- No School - Happy Holidays!

    1/2- Back to School


  • "Read for a Bead" is our "reading log" this year. This is a required HW assignment, but it is at the students' pace. There is no specific due date for "Read for a Bead". Students should turn in their sheets once they have colored in all the books.

    Why Read 20 Minutes at Home?



  • reminders

    • Students should bring their Chromebooks fully charged each day.
    • Students may also bring their charger in their backpack just in case. 
    • Take home folders, planners, and chromebooks must come to and from school each day.
    • Please make sure your child is aware of their dismissal routine (ex: bus, parent pick-up, childcare)
    • Please check your child's planner each night for homework or other important school information. Please initial at the bottom each day. Planners will be checked each morning.
    • We are PEANUT/TREE NUT FREE classroom

    Nut Free Classroom