- McAuliffe Middle School
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McAuliffe Fly Fishing Club
Next Meeting: TBA
Do you enjoy fishing and want to learn how to fly fish?
Have you never fished at all and want to learn an awesome way to do it?
The McAuliffe Fly Fishing Club is open to anglers grades 6-8 of all experience levels. We will meet every month in Room 224 to learn, share, and discuss fly fishing information and techniques such as but not limited to:
-fly selection
-knot tying
-fly presentation
-fish handling & release
-fish feeding habits & seasonal behavior
-fly tying & more
Google Classroom
-Use the following code to join the McAuliffe Fishing Club Google Classroom page: n6ewers
For more information about the McAuliffe Fishing Club, contact Mr. Pratt:
Room #224
Email: wpratt@jacksonsd.org
Meeting Schedule:
The McAuliffe Fly Fishing Club will meet after school in Rm. 224 on the following dates:
Tues. 11/29Tues. 1/10Tues. 2/7Tues. 3/7Tues. 4/18Tues 5/23