


    Mrs. Vosseller. .
    MLLD 2-3

    Room 112



    Welcome back! I am so excited to be your teacher this year.
    I hope you had an enjoyable summer and are ready for all of the fun things to come this year!

    Please e-mail me with any questions or concerns: dvosseller@jacksonsd.org

    I cannot wait to meet you on September 5th!




    back-to-school-night-clip-art-31 - Seven Oak Middle School

    ** Save the date: Back to School Night - 

    Monday, September 16th, 2024


    Mrs. Vosseller's Suggested Supply List

    1 plastic folder

    1 hard pencil box

    lots of pencils


    Headphones to be kept in school 


    Please label all supplies and send in a bag with an extra set of clothes to be kept in your child's cubby.



    We will always take donations of tissue boxes and Clorox wipes. Thank you!


    Remind Launches Preferred Language Translation to Help Educators Connect  With Students and Parents as More Schools Return to In-class Instruction |  Business Wire
