- Johnson Elementary School
- Welcome
Welcome Back!!! I hope everyone had a healthy and wonderful summer.
Important Notes for the start of the 2023-24 school year:
-Please label everything that comes in, including water bottles, extra clothes, jackets, coats, etc.-Please send in a full-size backpack with your child, as well as the folder that our PTO will provide on the first day.Lunch will be held in the cafeteria.Please practice having your child open containers and inserting straws... there are adults to help, but things will go more smoothly if students are working towards independence.If your child is buying lunch, please put a note in their folder.If you send in money for your child, please secure it in an envelope or baggy with your child's name and what it is to be used for (ie: lunch and/or snack).For those who will be mostly buying lunch, you will need to log on to the Parent Portal and put money in their lunch account.Checks may also be sent in a labeled envelope with their student id number on it and the money will be applied to their account.Please see the Food Service Department Webpage for more information.-The students are encouraged to bring in a water bottle each day (filled with water only please), as we will not have access to the water fountains.Water bottles will be returned home each day to wash.Reusable bottles with a locking lid are suggested to keep their backpack dry.Other drinks will be allowed in the cafeteria for lunch, but water only in their water bottles please.-Please send in a dated note with your child's full name if there will be a change in dismissal.All dismissal notes are sent down to the office in the morning.-Please do not send in any toys from home. School toys will be provided for student use.-Please let me know if your child has any allergies, particularly to HAND SANITIZER.Google Classroom and Chrome Books
-Please keep your student's district issued Chrome Book at home at this time.-An invitation to join our Google Classroom has been emailed to your child's district email address. Please click the link within the email to join.-Google Classroom is where you will able to view important announcements! This will also allow you to see updates and fun activites for our class.-Through Google Classroom, there is a link to access Google Meet.-Should we need to go Full Remote at any point in the future, Google Classroom would be the platform for instruction.-The District Tech Tool Kit and Student/Parent Tutorials are available to help you with some common tech problems and document questions.-If you are having difficulties with your district issued technology, please complete this form: Parent/Student Technology Assistance Request
Please email me with any questions... but please be aware that it may take a day or two to respond.During the school year, things requiring immediate attention (for ex. a change in bus/pick up dismissal for that day) should be sent via note in your child's folder, or emailed to me prior to 2pm. If you have a change in plans later in the day that affects your child's dismissal plans, call the main office and they will give me the message. Please do not email me because I may not see it in time.My email is kcoder@jacksonsd.org