



    Mrs. Amey's

    Class Page!

    Make sure to bring your

    fully charged Chromebook for class each day.


    Please check out our GoogleClassroom

    for regular updates, notifications and homework assignments.

    The links for each GoogleClassroom are below:

    Mrs. Amey's Math Class

    5th Grade Read 180

    4th Grade Read 180



    What is READ 180?

    Read 180 is a computer-based reading program that follows the core curriculum standards for each grade level.

    During our time together we will be rotating in three sessions in addition to working as a whole group to help strengthen our reading and writing skills. These three sessions consist of small group instruction, independent reading and student application daily, which will focus on each student's learning path.

    Throughout each lesson we will be focusing on building knowledge and language development, making meaningful connections and applying writing skills while engaging in effective expression.


    Feel free to contact me at camey@jacksonsd.org

    with any questions or concerns. 





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    MLK Day

    No School Jan. 20th


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  • School Hours - Petra Christian Academy

    Regular Hours: 9:10 - 3:20

    Shortened Days: 9:10 - 1:40

    Delayed Opening: 11:10 - 3:20


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  • Attendance 

    Students are expected to be in school every day.  Attendance is closely linked with student success.  A letter will be sent home on the 4th, 8th, 10th and 11th absences.  When a child returns to school after any absences, he/she must present a written explanation, signed by the student’s parent/guardian acknowledging the student’s absence.   The school’s Attendance Review Committee (ARC) will monitor student attendance. On a student’s 15th absence, the ARC will convene a meeting to develop an action plan for improved attendance at school.  Students with poor school attendance may be ineligible to participate in special programs/activities/athletics including dances, trips.  The ARC will communicate with parents throughout the year to document and encourage a student’s attendance in school. 


    A student who has six (6) absences during a trimester or eighteen (18) for a full year does not meet the minimum instructional requirements. Those students will be labeled as “chronically absent” by the State of New Jersey. 


    Research shows:

    • Children chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.

    • By 6th grade, chronic absence is a proven early warning sign for students at risk for dropping out of school.

    • By 9th grade good attendance can predict graduation rates even better than 8th grade test scores.


    Absences can add up quickly. A child is chronically absent if he or she misses just two days every month! 

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  • READ 180

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  • rEvery student MUST have two (2) books on his/her reading level with them every day. One book must be a chapter book. Each student can choose books from our class library or the school's library. 

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  • z

    A reading log is due at the end of each week. Students have to read 20 minutes daily. They may read independently or with a parent.

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