- Johnson Elementary School
- Announcements
Welcome back and Happy New Year!!
Here's an update on what's happening in Room #205.
The Johnson School Chorus Concert is Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30 at Memorial High School. Students need to be at high school by 6:30.
Advanced Math - On Monday, January 6th, we started lesson 1-7 by solving multistep problems with rational numbers (fractions & decimals). This is the final lesson of Topic 1 of the 6th grade textbook. As a result, we will be having a test on Friday, January 10th. On Thursday the 9th there will be a review where students will complete a study guide to prepare for the test.
Literacy - We are working on Unit 3 of Module 3 titled Natural Disasters. In addition, the students wrote New Year's Resolution personal narratives. The students chose a resolution for both school and home. The narratives were completed on Google Classroom. Published copies are being displayed on our hallway bulletin board.
Social Studies - On Monday, January 6th, we started the European Exploration Unit. Students will be completing a poster project on a chosen explorer. Students will be provided guidelines and website links to research facts and information to create a poster of their explorer.
WIN - WIN groups in my class are working on project-based assignments. One group is creating a school podcast where students create interview questions to ask particular members of our school community. Members such as the principal, school security officer, MLL teacher, and newly hired teachers to our building have been selected as participants in our podcast. The other WIN group is currently working on creating a published newsletter for the ever-popular Johnson Journal. The Johnson Journal is a great way for students to further develop their informational writing skills while researching and learning about topics of students' interest. Topics such as cafeteria / school kitchen, new school principal Theresa Licitra, new librarian Mrs. Silagy, tornados, and bullying.