• Kindergarten

    Welcome Parents...

    Students with a Google username & password have been added to our Google Classroom.

    Be sure that you are using your child's school gmail account when accessing our Google Classroom.  

    Click the link below for direct access our Google Classroom for all remote learning instruction, resources, and daily announcements. 

    Ms. Scrofini: 24-25 Kindergarten Google Classroom

    Please continue to reach out via email (Lscrofini@jacksonsd.org) or Remind Message if you have any questions. 


    Directions for accessing our Google Classroom:

    1.  Go to www.google.com in the top right hand corner click on the Sign In box.

     2.  Sign in with your child’s Username and Password.

    (I have a copy of all the student logins, if you misplace yours for any reason)

     3.  Once you are logged in, click on the 3X3 Waffle Icon (this is Google Apps) in the top right hand corner.

    (See picture for additional help)

    3x3 Waffle

     4.  Locate the app that says Classroom and click on it.

    (This is what it looks like)

    Google Classroom App

     5.  Once there find our Google Classroom and click on it… it is called Ms. Scrofini: 23-24 Kindergarten Google Classroom

     6.  This is where any remote learning resources will be posted.


    Remote Learning

    Virtual Learning Expected Norms
    Please read over these remote learning norms that will help our Google Meets run smoothly!



    In NEED OF TECH SUPPORT OR Information about Remote Learning?

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