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Principal's Message, August 2024
Dear Johnson Family,
We at Johnson Elementary School are so excited to welcome you back to school and to the 2024-2025 school year. We want to extend a “Little Jags” warm welcome to our new and returning students, their families, and dedicated staff.
The first day of school for all students will be Thursday, September 5th. It is important for ALL students to wear their STUDENT ID everyday, including the first day of school. Please make sure that your child(ren) has their student ID card with them.
Preschool and Kindergarten Orientation
Preschool Students
Parents of incoming Preschool students are invited to come to Johnson’s Preschool Orientation. Parents will learn about the Preschool day, our wonderful school, and the curriculum. Students will meet their teacher and participate in a brief activity. The program will last approximately one (1) hour. We look forward to seeing all new Preschool students and their parents/guardians on Thursday, August 29th at 8:30am.
Kindergarten Students
Parents of incoming Kindergarten students are invited to come to Johnson’s Kindergarten Orientation. Parents will learn about the Kindergarten day, our wonderful school, and the curriculum. Students will meet their teacher and participate in a brief activity. The program will last approximately one (1) hour. We look forward to seeing all new Kindergarten students and their parents/guardians on Thursday, August 29th at 11:30am.
Students in Grades 1 through 5 only - that are new to the Johnson Elementary School and will be attending for the first time in September are welcome to attend a New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 29th at 1:30pm.
Schedules and Bus Pass Release Dates
Elementary Teacher Assignments will be available on the Parent Portal after 9 a.m. on Monday, August 26, 2024.
Please assist your child in learning their bus number (route number) and have them bring their bus pass to school for the first few weeks. Children in Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade should wear their bus pass for the first few weeks of school as well.
Continue to monitor the Portal Information Page for important dates and instructions on how to view and print your schedule and bus pass. NOTE: If your Portal login does not work, please try the "Forgot My Password' link on the Portal Login page BEFORE contacting support. Please note that the "Forgot Password'' link will work only with parents who have an email as their login ID.
For questions or problems with your login IDs or password (or if you do not have them), please send an email to portalsupport@jacksonsd.org. Please include your name and phone number, as well as your child's name, school, grade, student ID number and the problem you are experiencing.
We encourage you to visit the Johnson School Website (Johnson School District Website ) often for the latest news and information. Whether you are new to the Johnson Elementary School or a returning family, we encourage you to become an active participant in your child’s education and become familiar with the variety of activities our school offers.
School Supplies
As we prepare for a new academic year, we are excited to welcome our students back to school! We are also excited to adopt and implement a new literacy curriculum published by the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ( HMHCO). As you are probably aware, our school is operating on a tight budget. Many parents have inquired about a supply list in preparation for the school year. In turn, we are reaching out to you today to request your support to help us acquire necessary supplies that our students need. It has been suggested by HMHCO that each student in grades 3-5 possess three (3) marble composition wide ruled notebooks for literacy instruction. All students K-5 should also have at least one (1) folder. In addition, teachers will likely publish a small supply list for their classrooms on or before September 3rd. Your contribution will go a long way to ensuring that our students have what they need to achieve academic success. I would also like to recognize the Johnson PTO for providing our students with school supplies including (but not limited to) folders, headphones, t-shirts and extra curricular activities. We are lucky to have such a dedicated PTO organization.
Johnson Parent-Teacher Organization
Join us at our first meeting on MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 23rd at 6:00pm and our Picnic with the Principal
The Johnson PTO is always looking for parent participation! We encourage all of our Johnson community to join our very active Parent-Teacher Network. Our collective mission is to enhance and support our children’s educational experience. There are multiple opportunities throughout the year with many jobs of all sizes and shapes that are essential to the success of our school. Parents can help out by volunteering for an event or committee. If you’re not sure how to become involved, please ask—we’d love to have you! Click on this link for more information about our fabulous PTO. HCJ PTO Website
PTO membership dues go to support our many cultural arts programs and assemblies for ALL students in our school. PTO meetings are held each month and are open to all. Please join us as the home-school partnership is vital to the success of all our learners. We look forward to seeing you at our first meeting.
In an effort to continuously improve the safety of students and staff, parents are reminded of the drop-off and pick-up procedures set forth in the student handbook. Thank you in advance for your support in our efforts to improve the safety and well being of our students and staff members.
The official school day will begin at 9:10 am and dismissal will take place at 3:15pm for walkers/pick-up and 3:20pm for bussers. Please read carefully to review dismissal procedures for signing out students at the end of the day.
Please be advised that due to the new changes to the school start times, Crawford and Johnson students will be arriving (9:00-9:10) and dismissing (3:15-3:20) at the same time.
To help ensure a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal for all students, please adhere to the following procedures for arrival, departure, drop off and late arrivals:
Johnson parent drop-off/pick-up will only be accessed through the Johnson driveway. Johnson's parents are asked not to cut through the Crawford/Camp Joy access road. Please also be aware that cars leaving the Johnson parking lot will be stopped temporarily to allow all Johnson and Crawford buses to safely exit the bus ramp at dismissal.
We appreciate your cooperation as we work together to make a smooth transition to these changes.
DROP-OFF/ARRIVAL (9:00 - 9:10 A.M.):
Only students in Child Care will be admitted into the building prior to 9:00 A.M.
(Procedures should be followed as per Child Care Guidelines.)
Please drive slowly through the parking lot.
Please DO NOT enter or exit the Johnson parking lot using the Crawford access road.
Please DO NOT PARK in front of our building by blocking the fire lane. Ample parking spaces, visitor slots, and handicapped parking are available directly in front of our building.
Please follow the “traffic flow” as designated by the cones. Pull up to the orange cones as far as possible to allow other cars to pull in behind you. Be aware of traffic pattern; please do not move ahead or cut across the line
Automobile traffic is PROHIBITED in the bus parking/standing area on the SIDE of our school.
Students must exit the car/vehicle from the PASSENGER/CURBSIDE ONLY
If students require assistance exiting the car, please park in a designated parking space and use the crosswalk to escort your child to the front of the school. This will allow a safe and efficient flow of traffic for all.
Parents/guardians are asked to wait outside the main door during arrival.
There is a duty teacher stationed to supervise your child’s safe entry into the school until 9:10 a.m. when that door is locked.
Tardy students (arriving after 9:10 AM) must enter through the main entrance with a parent/guardian and will need to be signed in by a parent/guardian with the receptionist. Students are NOT PERMITTED to walk from the parking lot into the school at this time UNLESS accompanied by an adult.
For the safety of all learners: Please DO NOT drop off your child and allow them to walk in unescorted after 9:10 AM. ALL cars must park in the MAIN PARKING LOT during the school day. PARKING IN THE FIRE LANE IS NOT PERMITTED.
Please drive slowly through the parking lot.
Please DO NOT enter or exit the Johnson parking lot using the Crawford access road.
Parents/Guardians must PARK in a designated parking space and wait in the front of the building for their students.
Please DO NOT PARK in front of our building by blocking the fire lane. Ample parking spaces, visitor slots, and handicapped parking are available directly in front of our building.
Automobile traffic is PROHIBITED in the bus parking/standing area on the SIDE of our school.
Parents/guardians are asked to wait outside the main door during dismissal.
If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up students, a written note, the Change in Dismissal form, or they must be on the EMERGENCY LIST prior to pick-up/dismissal in order to sign the child out with the receptionist. All emergency contacts listed must be 18 or older as per district policy. Proper identification is always necessary.
Please also be aware that cars leaving the Johnson parking lot will be stopped temporarily to allow all buses to safely exit the bus ramp at dismissal.
Early Dismissal
If it is necessary to sign your students out prior to regular dismissal, please do so by 2:45pm to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for all students.
Please send in a note if early dismissal is needed. In addition to the note, it is best to call ahead (main office 732.833.4640 x6120 or x6126) and also email the teacher to let us know that you are coming to the school.
If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up students, a written note must be submitted with the name of the person picking up the student or they must be on the EMERGENCY LIST prior to pick-up/dismissal in order to sign the child out with the receptionist. Students cannot be released to any adult that is not listed in the emergency contacts (see parent portal). All emergency contacts listed must be 18 or older as per district policy. Proper identification is always necessary.
Students Returning to School After Dismissal or Late Parent Pick-Up
Students returning to school as a result of a parent/guardian not being at the bus stop to receive them, will be placed in childcare at the walk in rate of $75.00 per day. The parent will be responsible for picking up their child from childcare. The same policy will hold true for students that are scheduled for parent-pick up, who are not picked up on time. Please be aware that childcare hours end at 6:00pm. All rates for childcare can be found on the District website.
Back to School Nights
Back to School Nights offer parents an opportunity to begin creating that all-important relationship with your child’s classroom teachers. Parents will hear about some of our programs as well as learn about each grade level’s curriculum, specialists, classroom technology, and other educational activities. We are proud of so many things at Johnson and with your help, we will continue to build an inclusive, dynamic, and supportive school community. We look forward to a successful school year and seeing you at Back to School Night! See our Back to School Night schedule below.
Important Dates to Remember:
8/29 -Orientation for Preschool, Kindergarten, & New Students (see website for schedules)
9/5- First Day of School
9/18- BOE Meeting 6:30 pm
Back to School Nights
9/16 Preschool: 5:30 PM
9/16 Grade K-2: 7:00 PM
9/17 Grades 3-5: 7:00 PM
School is closed
Monday, September 2
Tuesday, September 3
Wednesday, September 4
Thursday, October 3
Friday, October 4
On behalf of the entire Johnson Staff, we welcome you to the new school year and look forward to working together to help your child achieve their goals and aspirations. Please contact the school directly if you have any questions. We will be glad to help you.
Theresa Licitra, Principal