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Principal's Message

November 19, 2021   


Dear Johnson Families,

It’s hard to believe that fall is here and the holidays are quickly approaching.  It was very busy here at Johnson this week with our scheduled parent/teacher conferences.  I appreciate all of the parents and guardians who attended whether in person or virtually.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!

Just a reminder, we have a shortened day on Wednesday, November 24th and school is closed November 25th and 26th for Thanksgiving. 

If you have not yet completed your Back to School Forms in the Parent Portal, please do so.  If the forms are not complete, you may not be able to access other parts of the Portal. 

Fall Picture Retakes are schedule for Tuesday, December 14th.  Flyers will be sent home the week before.

Our 1st marking period ends on December 8th and Report Cards will be available on the Parent Portal Wednesday, December 22nd


Food Services

Although all students are eligible to receive free breakfast/lunch this year, you should still complete the Free and Reduced Lunch application.  Only one application is required per household, but must be completed annually.  Submitting this form may provide additional reduced or free opportunities for our families.  Please click this link to the Jackson Food Service Department to complete your Free and Reduced Lunch forms.



All parents must have an active Chromebook Device Loan Agreement on file with the district. This form can be found on the Parent Portal and must be completed prior to your child being issued a district Chromebook.  Cases for Chromebooks are also available for purchase.  Please click on this link to view the flyer for more information.




Ciccone Holiday Wreath Sale

Get into the holiday spirit by purchasing a beautiful wreath or door swag from Ciccone Farms.  The sale runs through Tuesday, November 23rd.   For details and to make an online purchase, please visit:

Holiday Shop

We are excited to bring back the holiday shop this year.  Students will be shopping the week of November 29th.  All items will be $2.  Be on the lookout for details on what day your child’s class will be shopping. 

 HCJ’s Winter Wonderland

We are excited to announce the first annual HCJ Winter Wonderland on Thursday, December 16th.  This will be an outdoor event held from 5:00pm – 7:00pm in the bus ramp parking lot.  More details will be shared soon so you can get involved!  


Thank you,

Dr. M. Raymond