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Principal's Message, November 2023


Dear Johnson Families,


Thank you to all our families that made our Halloween festivities a success.  Our Third Annual Trunk or Treat, the Halloween Parade, our Second Annual Pumpkin Decorating Contest sponsored by the PTO, and our class parties were enjoyed by all!


Congratulations to Sargi U. and Manveer S. who were recent winners of the Ocean County Halloween Safety coloring contest!  Well done!!


HCJ's Little Lending Library

Look what's coming soon to HCJ!--a free outdoor mini-book library where students may swap books for their reading pleasure. It will utilize an honor system and will offer many reading choices! More news will follow when it's set to go. Keep an eye out for it!


Coat Drive:  Johnson is holding a coat drive now through November 15.  Any donations of new or gently used coats, hats and gloves of any size are greatly appreciated.


Parent-teacher Conferences: 

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 6th – 8th.  Evening conferences will be held on Monday Nov. 6 only.  We will follow the shortened day schedule with a 1:40pm dismissal.  Conferences will give you an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress and how you can best support us in providing your child with the best educational experience we can offer. If you have not already done so, you can utilize the parent portal to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher at a time that works for you. We would prefer to see you in person, however, virtual conferences are available if needed.


REMINDER: Jackson School District Special Question VOTE to add needed positions is Tuesday, Nov. 7!

See for full information, including a new Frequently Asked Questions list and a Quick FACTS resource that highlights some of the most common questions received. If you have any questions, we are here to help! You can email or call the Special Question Hotline at 732-833-4618. 


As a reminder, polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Nov. 7th. There is also early, in-person voting available until Nov. 5th throughout Ocean County. The early voting location in Jackson is at the Jackson Library (2 Jackson Drive) and the hours are Monday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. or Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. FYI: Included on our page is a list of voting resources (where and how to vote, checking your polling place) 



Just a reminder: 

School will be closed Thursday, November 9th and Friday, November 10th

Thanksgiving Break: Shortened Day Wednesday November 22nd

                                   School closed Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24h.


ID Cards:

It is important for ALL students to wear their STUDENT ID everyday. Students use their ID to purchase lunch/snacks in the cafeteria and swipe on and off the bus.  Using the IDs especially helps speed up the lunch line so students have more time to eat and socialize. Please make sure that your child(ren) has their student ID card with them.  If your child needs a new ID card, please email your child’s teacher.  Thank you!




The school day BEGINS at 9:10 which means classes start promptly at that time.  If you are dropping off in the morning, it is strongly encouraged that you do so prior to 9:10. 

Late Drop-off: If you are bringing your child to school after 9:10, you must park your car, come in the building and sign your child in.  Please do not drop children off at the curb after 9:10.

Early Pick-up: If you are picking up your child from school, you MUST have a photo ID and be on the child’s emergency contact list. Early pick-up ends at 2:45 so as not to interfere with our regular dismissal.



Attendance Reminders:

Students are expected to be in school every day.  Attendance is closely linked with student success.  A letter will be sent home on the 4th, 8th, 10th and 11th absences.  When a child returns to school after any absences, he/she must present a written explanation, signed by the student’s parent/guardian acknowledging the student’s absence.   The school’s Attendance Review Committee (ARC) will monitor student attendance. On a student’s 15th absence, the ARC will convene a meeting to develop an action plan for improved attendance at school.  Students with poor school attendance may be ineligible to participate in special programs/activities/athletics including dances, trips.  The ARC will communicate with parents throughout the year to document and encourage a student’s attendance in school. 


A student who has six (6) absences during a trimester or eighteen (18) for a full year does not meet the minimum instructional requirements. Those students will be labeled as “chronically absent” by the State of New Jersey. 


Research shows:

  • Children chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade.

  • By 6th grade, chronic absence is a proven early warning sign for students at risk for dropping out of school.

  • By 9th grade good attendance can predict graduation rates even better than 8th grade test scores.


Absences can add up quickly. A child is chronically absent if he or she misses just two days every month! 


Helpful Hints for Building Habits for Good Attendance (Spanish)



Coming up in December:

PTO Holiday Shop: 12/4-12/8

End of First Marking Period: 12/6

Shortened Day: 12/11

BOE Meeting 12/13

Picture Day Make-ups: 12/13 

Report Cards Available to Parents: 12/14

Winter Wonderland Event: 12/15

PTO Meeting 12/18

Winter Break: Shortened Day 12/22 through 1/2


HCJ PTO News:  

We hope you can join us for the next PTO Meeting on November 20 at 6:00 in the IMC.

Please visit the PTO website for more information about up-coming events and fundraisers. 

I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends!




Renee Pagano-Hein

Principal, Johnson Elementary