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Principal's Message, June 2022



Dear Johnson Families,


I want to take this opportunity to thank the HCJ PTO, staff, students and families over the last ten years for helping to create a wonderful learning environment. My time at Johnson will always be the highlight of my career and that is because of all the support and kindness that was shown to me. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy summer!  Take time to enjoy family, friends and don’t forget to read! 

3rd Marking Period Report Cards are available on the Portal on Tuesday, June 21st. 


Important Information

Students will be taking their Chromebooks, Chargers and Student ID’s home for the summer.  Please keep these items in a safe place so they are ready to return with our students on September 6th.  By the middle of August, please check to make sure your Chromebook is working.  If not, contact the main office at Johnson to schedule an appointment for the Chromebook to be repaired.

 Moving During the Summer?

If you are moving during the summer and will be transferring your child(ren), please contact the main office Monday through Thursday between the hours of 7:30AM and 3:00PM. If you are moving within the Jackson School District, you will need to sign an Internal Transfer Form and provide proofs of your new residency before your child’s records can be transferred.  If you are moving out of the Jackson School District, you will need to sign a Student Transfer Verification Form.  A transfer card and a copy of your child(ren)’s health records(s) will be provided to register at a new school. The following information is needed to complete the transfer card:  new home address, new school name, and the new school address.

Elementary Summer Assignments

Summer Reading

This summer, the elementary division of the Jackson Township School District is proud to continue our Summer Reading initiative for students entering grades one through five in September. We are excited to bring parents and children together in our mission to promote literacy through reading.  Please click on the links below for more information as well as recommended lists and reading logs.  All assignments below are OPTIONAL.

 Summer Math

There are many ways families can support their children’s growth and development in mathematics both over the summer and throughout the school year. Please read the letter below for suggestions and ideas to help prevent the "Summer Slide" in math skills. All assignments below are OPTIONAL.


Thank you,

Dr. M. Raymond