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Principal's Message, October 2022

Dear Johnson Families,

It is hard to believe we are through our first month of school.  We are off to a great start here at Johnson School!  Students and teachers are making strong connections and are off and running with engaging lessons and educational activities!

Thank you to all our parents and guardians who attended our Back to School Nights.  Making connections between home and school is key to a successful educational experience for our children.

Thank you to everyone who has already completed their Back to School Forms this year. If you have not yet completed your forms, please do soThese forms include our annual notices and acknowledgement of our district policies regarding Emergency contacts, permission to photograph and acceptable use of school technology.  These forms are all available in the Parent Portal under the Forms tab. 

Students in the Jackson School District are fortunate to have the opportunity to take advantage of one-to-one technology.  However, with this opportunity comes added responsibility for students, parents and educators. Linked below, our technology teacher, Mr. Goldberg, has provided additional information and resources to keep our children safe while making the most of the technology our district has to offer.  Please review the Technology SpotLight Newsletter. 

The month of October is filled with observances and fun holiday activities.  Keep these dates on your calendar and check the links below or teacher’s Google Classroom for the schedule of activities taking place.

School will be closed for students Monday, October 10, 2022.

Picture Day: October 12  - Pre-order your pictures with PREPAY CODE:  2A2V2U4X 

                                                 CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER

Week of Respect: October 3-7

Safe Schools Week: October 17-21

Red Ribbon Week: October 24-28 


Monday, October 31st, will be our Halloween Parade starting promptly at 10:00AM. The parade will begin with students exiting the kindergarten wing doors and proceeding past the main entrance, around the building to the bus loop and along the sidewalk. Students will re-enter the building through the 1st/2nd  grade wing door. Cones will be set up to mark the parade route. Visitors are encouraged to stand socially distanced on either side of the cones creating a walkway for the students. A few important tips:

·         If you are coming to view the parade, you may park on the bus ramp after all buses have left for morning drop-off. After the parade, you must promptly leave.

·         Parking will be an issue so may I suggest you give yourself time in the event you have to park at Camp Joy and walk up the hill to Johnson School.

·         If it rains, we will still conduct the parade indoors for students only.

Coming up in November:

School will be closed Thursday, November 10th and Friday, November 11th. 

Parent-teacher Conferences: 

Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 15th – 17th.  We will follow the shortened day schedule with a 1:55pm dismissal.  Conferences will give you an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss their progress and how you can best support us in providing your child with the best educational experience we can offer. You can utilize the parent portal to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher at a time that works for you. 

HCJ PTO News: 

2nd Annual Johnson School Trunk or Treat  -

We are excited to announce that we will be continuing the Johnson School Trunk or Treat on Thursday, October 27th from 6:00 - 8:00pm.  Come join us for an evening of Spooky Fun! You don't want to miss this event!  

Please visit the PTO website for more information about the Trunk or Treat as well as up-coming fundraisers. 



Renee Pagano-Hein

Principal, Johnson Elementary