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Principal's Message, March 2024


Dear Johnson Families,


I am sure everyone is excited to see winter coming to an end and to welcome Spring!  The year is moving quickly as we are approaching the end of the second marking period.  Please be sure to check the Parent Portal on March 25th for your child’s report cards.

In February, our students celebrated Black History Month in their classes through various activities.  Students’ work is displayed throughout our halls for all to see and celebrate!  

Johnson’s Super Bowl Food Drive returned in early February.  During the drive, students and staff donated and collected 575 items.  Jackson Women of Today Food Pantry was the appreciative recipient of our donations.  Thank you to all of our families who sent in canned and dried goods to support our community. Special thanks to Mrs. Glushko, Ms. Cook and Mrs. Fucito for their hard work and efforts.

Our Sweetheart Dance on February 26 was a huge success as our students and their special guests danced the night away under the stars.  As always, thank you to our PTO volunteers for another wonderful family event!

We will continue to celebrate and build a love of reading during the month of March as we recognize Women’s History Month and Reading! Activities begin this week with Read Across America, March Madness Battle of the Books, Read-a-Thon, Author’s Night and Spring Book Fair with a special guest author.  Please join us for a fun evening of reading on Wednesday, March 6th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM at Johnson School and see the work of our student authors. Students’ writing samples will be on display throughout the halls to enjoy and admire. We are also excited to welcome author Julia Mills!  She will be doing a book signing and reading of her new book, “I am Stuck”.  There will be snacks and a craft in the APR where you can meet the author.  The PTO Scholastic Book Fair will also be open for shopping, in the Library. If you would like to purchase a copy of Julia Mills’s book, “I am Stuck”, prior to the event, it can be purchased on Amazon. You can bring it with you to be signed. We will have a limited number of books that will be sold at the event. (CASH ONLY) We look forward to seeing you all at the HCJ Author’s Night.  Thank you for supporting our school and helping to foster an appreciation of literature for all our students during Read Across America Week!

Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year is taking place by appointment only during the month of March with translators available on March 12, 14 and 27.  If you have a child turning 5 before October 1, 2024, you can pre-register online or contact the school to pick up a registration packet.  Please contact Johnson to schedule an appointment once you have all the required information.  If your child is currently enrolled in our preschool program and will be eligible for kindergarten in September you still need to register.  Please be on the lookout for an email and notice with more information about how to enroll your child in Kindergarten. 


Just a reminder that our top 5 spellers, Shlok S., Analise S., Alyssa S., Gabe R. and Jonathan R. will be participating in the district Spelling Bee on March 19 at Liberty High School. Shlok S. will also be moving on to the 2024 Regional Spelling Bee for schools in Monmouth, Ocean, and Middlesex Counties later this month. Come out and support our spellers!

As we move into the warmer weather, please take a moment to review our Student Dress Code as a reminder.


Student Dress Code

Restrictions on freedom of students' dress will be imposed whenever the code of dress in question is unsafe either for the student or for those around him/her, or whenever it is disruptive of school operations and the educational process in general.


1.Wearing face coverings in school is optional.   

2. Students will not wear hats, caps, or other head coverings in the building.

3. No clothing, jewelry, or item that promotes violence, bigotry, profanity or use of a restricted substance.

4. Jewelry and clothing should not restrict movement, be distracting or cause a safety hazard to oneself or others.

5. Skirts/shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh in length.  No boxers, spandex shorts or cutoff shorts will be worn.

6. No torn or tattered clothing.

7. All students must wear shoes at all times for safety and health reasons.  No flip-flops or open-toed footwear are allowed.

8. Students should not wear outer clothing in the building.

9. All shirts should cover students’ shoulders, backs and come down to the waistline.  

10.Tank tops and backless shirts are not permitted.


Just a reminder, Monday 3/11 & 3/28 are Shortened Days- Dismissal will be at 1:35 for Walkers and 1:40 for Busers.


March Dates to Remember:

3/6  Family Book Fair Night & Author’s Night

3/10 Spring Ahead- Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead one hour.

3/11 Shortened Day-1:35 Dismissal for Walkers and 1:40 Dismissal for Busers 

3/19 District Spelling Bee- JMHS 6:00

3/22 Spring Pictures

3/25 Report Cards available on Parent Portal

3/27 Mother/Son Game Night

3/28 Shortened Day-1:35 Dismissal for Walkers and 1:40 Dismissal for Busers





Late Drop-off: If you are bringing your child to school after 9:10, you must park your car, come in the building and sign your child in.  Please do not drop children off at the curb after 9:10.


Early Pick-up: If you are picking up your child from school, you MUST have a photo ID and be on the child’s emergency contact list. Early pick up ends at 2:45.


Coming up in April:

4/1-4/7No School-Spring Break

4/16 Candy Bingo


  • General Body Meeting- 3/18 6:00pm. Light refreshments will be provided.

  • Check the PTO website for details on events and fundraisers coming this year! 

  • Stay connected by joining the PTO Facebook group HCJPTO and the PTO Remind App @hcjp


Renee Pagano-Hein

Principal, Johnson Elementary