- Johnson Elementary School
- Johnson News Archive
Principal's Message, April 2024
Dear Johnson Families,
The warmer weather is on the way and with that comes more outdoor and after-school activities. Students also tend to get a little restless as we move through the last few months of school. Please help your students to manage their busy schedules, get enough rest, and put forth their best efforts in school. This includes their academic responsibilities as well as appropriate behavior.
Congratulations to all our Johnson Readers!!! The PTO-sponsored Read-a-Thon was a great success. Our students read a total of 33,154 minutes, raising $6,355 in donations!! We are so proud of our students for all their hard work! The money raised will help offset the cost of class trips at every grade level. Thank you all for your support!
The District Spelling Bee was held on March 19 at JMHS. Johnson’s top spellers made a strong showing, with all five students lasting several rounds. Congratulations to our Johnson spellers!!!
Don’t forget to check the Parent Portal to view your child’s 2nd Marking Period Report Card.
As you may have heard, a solar eclipse will be visible in our area on April 8. A total solar eclipse happens in the same place on the planet only an average of once every 366 years, according to experts. It’s also the sort of once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that can get children super excited about science—a worthwhile goal.
The first sign will be a sudden temperature drop. The sky will darken, and winds will shift. A dark shadow will appear on the horizon. Faint waves of light may waft across the ground. A ring of bright light will shine from the outer edges of the otherwise darkened sun. Then the moon will cover the sun completely and, for a few seconds, a thin red layer may appear around its outer rim. Provided it is a sunny day, it looks like the eclipse on April 8th will begin at 2:09 (ish). The partial coverage will be at 2:50 while totality will take place around 3:24.
We are very fortunate that our district has purchased approved eclipse-viewing glasses for our students to view the eclipse safely.
Teachers will be given glasses for all students and may allow them to view the eclipse at the end of the day or dismissal time when it is active. If you have any issues regarding this event, please notify your child's teacher.
You can also make a viewing box at home if you’d like to share in the excitement. Here are some links you may find helpful.
During this time of year, many parents call or write to the school regarding their child’s class placement for next year. The ultimate goal of the placement process is to find the best possible placement to set all students up for success, both academically and socially. Class placement is a complex process that involves the input of many educational professionals and considers many factors. For example, some variables carry more weight because of requirements to address special needs and NJ state statutes. Other factors include but are not limited to: student social-emotional well-being, academic programs and needs, therapies, classroom structure, student population, resources, and medical needs. As a result, placement can take several weeks to fine-tune. Although I appreciate and value parent/guardian input regarding your child’s individual needs, I will not honor parent requests for specific teachers. I will consider any concerns or input you would like to share provided they are given in writing prior to May 1. I appreciate your understanding and support in this process.
Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 school year took place during the month of March. If you have a child turning 5 before October 1, 2024, and you have not already registered, please pre-register online or contact the school to pick up a registration packet as soon as possible. Please contact Central Registration at 732-415-7004 to schedule an appointment once you have all the required information. If your child is currently enrolled in our preschool program and will be eligible for kindergarten in September, please contact the Johnson school main office for more information about how to enroll your child in Kindergarten.
April Dates to Remember:
3/29-4/7 Spring Break- School Closed
4/15 PTO Meeting
4/16 Candy Bingo
As we move into the warmer weather, please take a moment to review our Student Dress Code as a reminder.
Student Dress Code
Restrictions on freedom of students' dress will be imposed whenever the code of dress in question is unsafe either for the student or for those around him/her, or whenever it is disruptive to school operations and the educational process in general.
1. Wearing face coverings in school is optional.
2. Students will not wear hats, caps, or other head coverings in the building.
3. No clothing, jewelry, or items that promote violence, bigotry, profanity, or use of a restricted substance.
4. Jewelry and clothing should not restrict movement, be distracting, or cause a safety hazard to oneself or others.
5. Skirts/shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh in length. No boxers, spandex shorts, or cutoff shorts will be worn.
6. No torn or tattered clothing.
7. All students must wear shoes at all times for safety and health reasons. No flip-flops or open-toed footwear are allowed.
8. Students should not wear outer clothing in the building.
9. All shirts should cover students’ shoulders, backs and come down to the waistline.
10.Tank tops and backless shirts are not permitted.
Coming up in May:
5/6 Early Dismissal 1:40
5/7-5/21 NJSLA Testing
5/20 PTO Meeting
5/22 Goetz Student Orientation
5/22 Color Run
5/24 Early Dismissal 1:40
5/27 Memorial Day- School Closed
5/29 Grade 3 Field Day
5/30 Grade 4 Field Day
5/31 Grade 5 Field Day (Rain Date 6/7)
General Body Meeting- Monday, April 15th 6:00
Candy Bingo is scheduled for 4/16
Color Run 5/22 at Camp Joy 4:30 check-in, 5:00 start time. PTO will be looking for sponsors again this year.
Jaguar Stuffy is on sale for $20 visit cheddarup shop to order. Jaguar Stuffy Order Link
Graduation Lawn Signs will be on sale in April for $20 each. They can be used for PreSchool, Kindergarten and 5th grade.
Check the PTO website for details on many exciting activities and fundraisers coming this year!
Stay connected by joining the PTO Facebook group HCJPTO and the PTO Remind App @hcjp
Renee Pagano-Hein
Principal, Johnson Elementary