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Principal's Message, September 3, 2021

Dear Johnson Families,

I hope the summer finds you rested, relaxed, and enjoying all of the wonderful things that summer brings.  As you continue to enjoy the last few days of summer....I would like to welcome all of you to our new 2021-2022 school year at the Howard C. Johnson Elementary School.  The First Day of School for all students will be Thursday, September 9th.  

I strongly encourage you to read through the Jackson School District’s presentation, 2021-2022 Back-to-School Plans and Procedures, to become familiar with the information and regulations regarding our Safe Return Plan.


VERY IMPORTANT - Daily Health Screening for Students:

  • Parents will NOT be required to fill out a COVID Daily Health Screening form on the Parent Portal each day.
  • Instead, we WILL be asking parents and staff to certify through ONE back-to-school form that they will monitor their child’s health daily and to keep their children (and themselves if they are staff members) home when they are ill.


Arrival Times and Procedures

  • School hours 9:25am - 3:35pm 
  • Students may arrive as early as 9:10am
  • Bus Passes are available on the Parent Portal
  • Buses will be cleaned between runs
  • When possible, the windows will be opened on buses
  • Face Coverings are REQUIRED on Buses, Bus Ramp, Entering the Building, & in the Classroom
  • Students should try to practice social distancing when entering the building

When dropping off your child, please refrain from exiting your vehicle to assist your child. If the child cannot independently perform that function, you need to park your vehicle and assist the child in safely entering the school. Please keep children from exiting your vehicle on the left side or driver side of the vehicle. Children should be let off at curbside. Please utilize the clearly marked and coned crosswalks for everyone's safety. Do not park on the crosswalk when dropping off a student as this compromises the safe crossing of our students.

When arriving at Johnson Elementary School, please do not attempt a shortcut into the parking area by turning into the exits of the parking lot. Following the painted road arrows will alleviate any confusion when entering the designated parking area for parents / guardians.

When retrieving your child after school, do not call for them to cross the road WITHOUT utilizing the crosswalks.

Our Security Officer is on location to assist in this process each day. Your cooperation will help in facilitating a safe arrival and departure each day. 


Food Services:

In September, the children will eat their lunch in designated eating areas with social distancing implemented. Before and after each lunch period, school staff will clean surfaces so that hygiene is maintained. 

IMPORTANT:  Pursuant to new USDA Guidelines, Effective August 31, 2021,  ALL Jackson School District students are now eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch.  If you wish not to participate, please instruct your child(ren) not to take the meals. If you want your child to bring in their own meal to eat during their scheduled lunch you may do so. If you would like your child to choose the hot/cold lunch option they simply have to ask for it during homeroom.  These orders will be filled by the food services staff and bagged/container lunches will be distributed to students during their lunch period.  Students do not have to swipe into their accounts because meals are free of charge.

Jackson School District Food Services Department operates a computerized point of sale system (POS) in all cafeterias. Students can purchase their snacks by debiting their accounts. The convenience and security of placing funds in your child’s account helps to eliminate the worry about forgotten or lost money.  Deposits will begin on the first day of school.


 Back to School Night: 

Grade PreSchool:  Monday - September 20th at 5:30 PM

Grades K-2:  Monday - September 20th at 7:00 PM 

Grades 3-5:  Tuesday - September 21st at 7:00 PM 


Schools closed:

As a reminder, school will not be in session Thursday, September 16th. 


Enjoy the last few days of summer and Labor Day weekend. I look forward to seeing you Thursday, September 9th.

Thank you,

Dr. Michael Raymond