- Johnson Elementary School
- Principal's Page
Principal's Message, Summer 2023
Dear Johnson Families,
I hope you are all enjoying all the fun and relaxation that comes with summer break.
Over the summer months, our facilities department will be installing upgraded, efficient, water-saving fixtures in our student lavatories through a district plumbing grant from the state. In addition, our custodial staff and secretaries are hard at work preparing the building for students and staff in September.
LOST AND FOUND- Please check the HCJ website for pictures of our remaining lost and found items. Contact the front office to retrieve your child’s lost items. However, items will only be held until July 15. After this date, items will be donated.
Rainy days in the summer are a great time to help your child maintain their learning from the school year and sharpen their skills for the fall. Information about summer assignments is listed below.
Elementary Summer Assignments- Avoid the Summer Slide
This year, teachers at each grade level collaborated on a variety of activities and assignments designed to keep students actively learning, practicing and strengthening their skills over the summer. All students were given access to and signed into these Google Classrooms during the last weeks of school. Please check the links below for Google Classrooms for your child’s grade level in the 2022-2023 school year.
Summer Reading
This summer, the elementary division of the Jackson Township School District is proud to continue our Summer Reading initiative for students entering grades one through five in September. We are excited to bring parents and children together in our mission to promote literacy through reading. Please click on the links below for more information.
Print Copy of Summer Reading Log
Ocean County Library Summer Reading Program Info.
Summer Math
There are many ways families can support their children’s growth and development in mathematics both over the summer and throughout the school year. Please read the letter below for suggestions and ideas to help prevent the "Summer Slide" in math skills. All assignments below are OPTIONAL.
Elementary Summer Math Letter with instructions on what to do and how to log in to IXL
Overview of IXL Program for Parents - English
Overview of IXL Program for Parents - Spanish
Link to IXL Platform (Available Through July)
Please also review these important reminders.
Kindergarten Registration If you have a preschool child currently enrolled in the Jackson School District who will be entering Kindergarten in September and you have not already completed the requirements for Kindergarten Registration, please provide your four current proofs of residency, Physical and Immunizations and Dental Form to the main office as soon as possible. Below is the link to the Kindergarten Registration Page with more information including the Physical and Dental Forms required.
Kindergarten Registration Requirements
Moving During the Summer?
If you are moving during the summer and will be transferring your child(ren), please contact the main office Monday through Thursday between the hours of 7:30AM and 3:00PM. If you are moving within the Jackson School District, you will need to sign an Internal Transfer Form and provide proofs of your new residency before your child’s records can be transferred. If you are moving out of the Jackson School District, you will need to sign a Student Transfer Verification Form. A transfer card and a copy of your child(ren)’s health records(s) will be provided to register at a new school. The following information is needed to complete the transfer card: new home address, new school name, and the new school address.
Important Chromebook Information
Students took their Chromebooks, Chargers and Student ID’s home for the summer. Please keep these items in a safe place so they are ready to return with our students on September 6th. By the middle of August, please check to make sure your Chromebook is working. If not, contact the main office at Johnson to schedule an appointment for the Chromebook to be repaired.
Dates to Remember: District Calendar for 2023-2024
8/24 Elementary Teacher Assignments Available on Portal-Tentative
8/29 Transportation-Bus Passes Available on Portal- Tentative
8/30 Preschool & Kindergarten Orientation
9/3 Transportation Caregiver Form Deadline
9/6 First Day of School for Students
Enjoy the rest of your summer! Take time to enjoy family, friends and don’t forget to read!
Renee Pagano-Hein
Principal, Johnson Elementary