- Jackson School District
- Switlik Preschool Annex at JMHS
Welcome to the Switlik Preschool Annex at Jackson Memorial High School page!
- This is a new preschool location that was approved by the NJ Department of Education that will be located in the C-Wing of Jackson Memorial High School.
- This space was needed due to the closure of Rosenauer AND to expand our FREE preschool program, which is funded through a grant the district won from the State of New Jersey.
- We will utilize this page to deliver key information that is specific to our location - however - please be sure to visit the District Preschool Page for important preschool updates and resources
Switlik Annex at JMHS Student Handbook
Preschool Department Page - This page has key information and resources for all preschool parents.
Food Services Department - Menus (Select the Switlik School)
Contact Us
- The address of the Switlik Preschool Annex at JMHS is 101 Don Connor Blvd. The C-Wing is on the Clayton side of the building.
- The main number is 732-833-4686. The website is www.jacksonsd.org/annex
- The school hours at the Switlik Preschool Annex will be 8:10 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. These hours are DIFFERENT from the hours at other elementary schools, which will assist parents who have older children attending other elementary schools.
- The Switlik Preschool Annex will be supervised by Ms. Tracy Schaar, the Supervisor of Early Childhood Education, whose office will be located in the Annex.
- There will be a separate nurse located in this Annex so student needs can be addressed without having to leave the Annex - Nursing Contact Page - www.jacksonsd.org/nurses
- The Switlik Preschool Annex at JMHS will be COMPLETELY CLOSED OFF from the rest of the high school. It will have a separate entrance and exit and there will be NO way for the high school and preschool wing populations to interact.
- Students have lunch in their classrooms, just as they do in our other preschool locations.
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Raymond Milewski, 732-415-7020
Switlik Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Pat DeBenedetto, 732-833-4650, ext. 4130
See Our HIB Information Page
for our District & School Grades and Other Info
on Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Laura Godlesky, Assistant Superintendent
School Climate State Coordinator: HIB@doe.nj.gov
Preschool ANNEX Announcements
Preschool ANNEX @JMHS Back to School Night (Demarco, Zammit, Scott, Storz, Brennan, Simmons) is Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 5:30 p.m.
Please Plan to Attend! Back to School Night is an important night to learn about your child's educational experience.
Preschool ANNEX @JMHS Back to School Night(Bridgman, King, Caloia, Ferri, Curtis) is Thursday, Sept. 26 at 5:30 p.m.
Please Plan to Attend! Back to School Night is an important night to learn about your child's educational experience.
District News
Elementary and Middle School Parent Conferences Will Be Held Nov. 4-6, 2024. From Oct. 15 - 24 You Can Schedule Your Conference on the Portal.
You will be given the option to schedule a conference IN-PERSON or VIRTUALLY. Please be sure to go on the Parent Portal between Oct. 15 and Oct. 24 to schedule your conference.
Parents of Preschool, Kindergarten and 6th Graders - You Must Submit Immunization Update by Oct. 11, 2024.
Proof of immunization must be received by Oct. 11, 2024 or your child will be excluded from school after that date. Please read message for form you can take to your doctor.
Sept. 21, 2024 - Join us for a "Walk to Remember" to Honor the Rosenauer Elementary School
We invite the entire Jackson community, and especially the alumni and staff lucky enough to have spent time at Rosenauer Elementary School, to join us in honoring this wonderful school before we must close it. Saturday, Sept. 21, 2024 - 1 to 3 p.m. (with a Ceremony at 2 p.m.)
Important Late Bus Information for Middle School and High School NEW Subscription Late Bus Offered: Sign Up ASAP (by Aug. 30 in order to have a ride by the first day of school)
We are offering a NEW SUBSCRIPTION LATE BUS to provide a 4:30 bus for middle school and high school students on the days a late bus is not offered - this means you can pay a fee to subscribe to ride this late bus home after your athletic practice or activity.
Aug. 22 Board of Education and District Update - Goals for 2024-2025
Please take a moment to review this Aug. 22, 2024 District Update - and learn about our District and Board of Education Goals for the coming school year. We have a strong foundation, but in light of funding challenges and changing needs of students, the district needs to do some Strategic Planning to address budget, facilities, curriculum, instruction, assessment, co-curricular activities and student needs.
Jackson School District Has Serious Need for Transportation Aides - $18.50 an hour! Please help us share this information!
Great pay. Flexible Hours. High School Diploma or GED needed.
July 24 Update - State Monitor Overrides Board of Education’s Rejection of 2024-2025 Budget
Budget Must Move Forward with Cuts and Reductions Necessary to Close $18 Million Deficit
Dates that Schedules, Teacher Assignments and Bus Passes Will be Available on the Parent Portal
MS and HS Schedules - Aug. 21... Elementary Teacher Assignments - Aug. 26... Bus Passes for All - Aug. 29. Click headline for more details.
Celebrate with us on Facebook! The district is debuting our new Facebook page - Search for "Jackson School District NJ" and look for the district crest logo. Hit “LIKE” and “FOLLOW”
The feed from this Facebook page will also display on the district website!
Jackson School District Approves Contract with LSTA for Nonpublic Transportation Services for 2024-2025
Utilizing the LSTA will assist the district in managing the growing volume of nonpublic transportation applications and is expected to be a cost-effective way to meet both the district’s state-mandated responsibilities and the needs of our families.
Parents: Why Haven't You Applied for Free and Reduced Lunch? It is SO important to Apply Now!
Think you don’t qualify? You might! Income limits have increased. See our step-by-step resources and videos to help. Apply now (by end of April) and benefits will continue through Sept. or Oct. of next year.
COVID Vaccine Finder and COVID Testing Finder
So all of our families and staff can access COVID Vaccines and COVID Testing if they desire.