Bus Drivers and Van Aides Wanted

  • Please monitor our OPEN POSITIONS page to view any future job openings. 

    school buses lined up with announcement of pay

    Jackson Bus Drivers Now Make a Base Pay of $30 per Hour

    The Jackson School District is eager to hire and retain qualified bus drivers and van aides to safely transport our students. On Feb. 16, 2022 the Board of Education approved an increase to the base rate of pay - bringing it to $30 per hour! Plus, there are FULL BENEFITS and guaranteed hours. We encourage you to view the job and hiring information on this page, and to reach out to us if you have ANY questions. We are eager to help!

Contact Us

  • If you have questions about the job or hiring process, please reach out!

    Call 732-833-4614

Bus Driver Video

  • Below is a video we put together recently to highlight the benefits of joining our team!

    Note: If the video does not open for you, we will be updating it with a YouTube version soon.

    bus driver inside bus