- Elms Elementary School
- Welcome...Weekly Updates
Rudenjak, Loriann
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Room 227
Updated 2/13/2025
Mrs. Rudenjak's Class:
- School is closed Friday, Feb.14 & Monday, Feb. 17.
- March is around the corner! Please note the upcoming events below.
Our class goal is to master (85% or higher) multiplication facts through the 12-Xs tables by the end of March. When we reach that goal as a class, we will celebrate with an ice cream party:)
-Please remind your child to charge their Chromebook every night.
- What are we learning?
- Literacy: Theme, Narrative Writing, Inferring while Reading
- Spelling & Grammar: Words that end in -ing or -ed; possessive nouns
- Math: Topic 9- Adding and Subtracting Fractions
- Social Studies: Presentations on the Cause of The American Revolution
Upcoming Events:
Spring Book Fair: Thurs., March 6 at 1:45-2:15
Read Across America Week: March 3-7th; Night Event-Wed. March 5th, 6-7:30 pm
(Birthday Class List upon request)
If your child wants to bring in birthday goodies, please remember NO NUTS OR PEANUTS.
NOTE: I added a PTN message below....scroll down.
Parent Information:
Please consider joining the Remind App to connect via text without using our personal cell numbers. Many parents have already seen the benefits of joining Remind. (I use Remind to send reminders for events such as Book Fair and Picture Day.)
The Remind info. is as follows:- Send a text to 81010
- Text this message: @f376ba8
- It's that simple! I'll send you a message to confirm you are a part of my Remind group.
Our Schedule:
- Math
- Special Areas
- Reading & Writing
- Lunch
- Recess
- Social Studies/Science
Special Areas 10:25-11:05 am:
- Monday - Technology
- Tuesday - Gym
- Wednesday - Art
- Thursday - Music
- Friday- IMC Library
Important Daily Routines:
- Students should bring their Chromebooks fully charged each day.
- Please check their student planner for assigned homework and other important school information (please initial it at the bottom each day there is homework).
- Remember to check your backpack to ensure you repacked your school belongings and completed homework.
Suggested Donations of School Supplies:
- Marbled Notebooks
- One box of tissues
- One pack of line index cards
- Earbuds or earphones(for your own child)
- Have your child wear multiple layers to school. Sometimes, parts of the building vary in temperature. We also go outside for recess if the weather permits.
- Please check your child's backpack for excessive toys and fidgets. They are distractions during lessons.
Mrs. Rudenjak☺
Mrs. Rudenjak's 4th Grade Expectations:
2024-2025 Mrs. Rudenjak's Class -Click link
Information about spirit days and fundraisers is posted on the Elms website.
Elms PTN Link
Homeroom/SEL: 9:10-9:25
Special Areas:
Mon: Computers
Tues: Gym
Wed: Art
Thurs: Music
Friday: IMC Library
Math Block: 9:25-10:25
SPECIALS: 10:25-11:05
Literacy Block: 11:10-12:55
Lunch: 1:05-1:35
Recess: 1:40-2:00
WIN: 2:05-2:35
Science/Social Studies:2:35-3:10
Dismissal: 3:15
Dear Families,
Please support your child at home to help them problem solve when doing homework or if your child lets you know they're struggling with a concept. Utilizing online sites is a great way to reinforce skills learned in school.
Also, it is imperative that your child is fluent with Multiplication facts up to 12 times tables. The topics moving forward, such as Fractions and Division, requires the students to have mastery of their facts. Utilizing online sites or just plain old-fashion flashcards are great resources for your child to practice daily.
Homework Information:
Dear Students,
I assign homework Mon.-Thurs. most weeks. The homework is posted on the whiteboard daily and then should be written in your student planner. The planner is used as a form of communication; reminders of assigned HW and notes to parents/or me.
If you forgot your Math book or need additional help with your Math HW, please use the online resources. Savvas Realize will give you examples of your math lessons in addition to math videos that will reteach the lesson. Please email me if you forget any homework in school because I might give you an alternate assignment.
Classroom Rules & Behaviors That Support Learning:
School needs to be a safe and happy place to come to everyday.
- Show respect towards each other
- Interact appropriately with classmates
- Use good word choice & actions when disagreeing with someone(self-control)
- Put forth good effort consistently
- Stay on task and focused to learn, consistently
- Follow directions, consistently