- Elms Elementary School
- Welcome
Welcome to Mrs. Villecco's Page
Welcome back, Tigers!
I will be available during Monday's Back to School Night from 7:00-8:00.
Please click this link to join me for any questions you may have.
Please remember to read, read, read every single day. You can read in a variety of ways - by yourself, to someone, with someone, or listening to someone read but please make sure you are engaged in reading.
Kindergarten - Literacy
- Letter Scavenger hunt. Print these cards (or make your own with scraps paper, index cards, post-it notes, whatever you have around the house)hide the letters in random places. Set a timer and search for the cards. Once the timer goes off, return to a commonplace and “read” the letters and say the sound the letter makes.
First and Second Grade - Literacy
- Record yourself reading on RAZ-KIDS. Don't have an account? Email me to set you up. Send me an email to let me know you recorded yourself reading, I'll send you a reward and a personal message providing feedback.
- Play Roll and Read using this fun board game. Directions are at the top of the sheet. You can print or play using your device screen. Just need a die or scraps of paper to write the numbers 1-6.
Third - Fifth Grade -
Watch the Video Short - Boundin’ .Please watch multiple times. The more you watch the more you pick up on little (and big) details. Think about these discussion points.
- What problem does the sheep encounter?
- How does this problem change the sheep?
- Describe the sheep’s character/attitude in the beginning - middle and end.
- How does the “Jackalope” help the sheep?
- Can you think about a lesson you might have learned from this short film?