• Welcome To

    Mrs. Webb's Kindergarten Class  

    Clip Art Image of a Little Chalkboard With an Apple and a Worm  


    Please check our google classroom for weekly updates/reminders/events! 



    A warm welcome to all my Kindergarten families ! I hope you enjoyed the summer and you and your child are ready for this year's exciting learning adventure. Kindergarten is an exciting time for your child. It is a time for exploring so many new things and places and a time to learn. This year your child will be learning letters, sounds, and how to read. Your child will also learn math, science and social studies. Your child will also learn how to cut, paste, color and draw. However, the most important part of your child's learning experience this year will be learning how to make new friends, being respectful and responsible students. While Kindergarten marks an important transition in your child's life, it is important that children still get to be children. "Your child is in for a treat!" Kindergarten life is sweet with all the fun and exciting activities. To help prepare for a successful  start of the school year, please provide your child with the following items from the supply list below. Keep in mind that this list is for the beginning of the school year and items will need to be replenished throughout the school year for your child. Please label all your child’s items with their name-including backpack, lunch box and any jackets.  Listed below you will also find a “wish list”. This list has items the class uses during the school year. Thank you for your support and cooperation.  Let's all gear up for a successful school year! I look forward to working with you and your child this year.

    Best Regards,

    Mrs. Webb

    If you have any questions or concerns please reach out and contact me at 

    Email: nwebb@jacksonsd.org

    School Phone: 732-833-4680



    Backpack - no wheels and big enough to carry Chromebook and folder

    1 plastic pencil box ( any color )  

    1 Red pocket folder

    1 blue pocket folder 

    Glue sticks (pack of 2) 

    1 bottle of Elmer's glue Elmer's Washable School Glue - 7.625 oz 

    2 black thin dry eraser markers 

    1 pair of blunt tip scissors 

    24 count crayons 

    1 box of 10 washable markers 

    2 boxes of #2 pencils

     Headphones ( for the chromebook that school will provide for your child)

    1 place mat of your choice for your child to use as a mat on the floor or outside during instructional time. 

    Sweater or sweatshirt labeled with your child's name. (The classroom can get chilly and weather outside is unpredictable) 

    Change of clothes in a plastic bag  

     1 water bottle 

    Wish List  

    Chromebook case with handle ( for chromebook district provides for your child)

    Tissue boxes

    Paper Towels

    Baby wipes 

     Hand sanitizer 

    Clorox wipes

    Galloon Zip loc bags

    Sandwich size zip loc bags

    Snack size zip loc bags


    Small prizes for treasure chest

    Play Doh 

     Class Page

    Thank you for visiting our class page. Please visit our class page each week for an update on school events, classroom events as well as updates to our weekly curriculum. The weekly curriculum will include skills and strategies introduced in Literacy, Math, Social Studies and Science. 


     Google Classroom:

    I will be using Google Classroom to post assignments, daily and weekly announcements and all other important information for your child. The code to join my Google Classroom will be emailed to your child's district email account. Students are REQUIRED to join my Google Classroom, as it will be used for important information regarding our classroom activities. 


    The Elms PTN will be  providing each child with an Elms folder  and your child will bring this folder back and forth to school in their backpack. This folder will be used as a tool for us to communicate daily. Each day, your child will bring home this folder. If there is a need to send anything back to school, it will come home in the "Return to School" side of the folder. Homework is one example of something that would be in the "Return to School" side. Any notes from home to school regarding dismissal, lunch money, or any correspondence should be put in the folder on the " Return to School" side.  A good parent-teacher relationship is essential for a successful school year. You are always welcome to contact me! 

    I will also be using the Remind App. Remind is a communication platform that will be utilized throughout the school year to stay connected with you. It is a wonderful tool to keep you updated with important information regarding our school day, changes in schedules or last-minute notices. To join the Remind App, please follow the directions to join that were sent home with your child the first week of school. 


    Email: nwebb@jacksonsd.org

    School Phone: 732-833-4680


    Daily Lunch and Special Area Schecule 

    Lunch Daily: 11:40-12:10

    Monday-Art ( Mr. Bryan)

    Tuesday-Music (Ms. Dabreau) 

    Wednesday-Library ( Mrs. Valgenti)

    Thursday-Technology (computers) (Mrs. Sendecki) Please make sure to bring in your fully charged chromebook and your headphones.

    Friday- (Mr. D'Ambrosio) Please make sure to wear sneakers. 






    Social Studies & Science: Science and Social Studies will alternate thematic units. These units of study will be incorporated throughout our school day!


    Birthday Celebrations! 

    Birthdays can be celebrated in school. However, a birthday snack needs to be store bought with a label on the snack showing the ingredients. We may have several food allergies in the classroom.  Please let me know ahead of time so that I can make sure that you have the current number of students in our class, as that may change. 

    September Birthday's 

    Happy Birthday to all our September Birthday children!

    Happy Birthday 


      Links to Resources:        

      Lowercase letter formation guide
         Uppercase letter formation guide