• Hello First Graders & Families,
    Please be sure to sign in to your student email to find the invitation to our Google Classroom.
    Once you accept the invitation, you can click on the blue bar that is marked "Join," in the left-hand corner of the site.  If you ever need help with Google Classroom, please send me an email for assistance.
    Families ask what we may need in the classroom. Here is a wish list of items we use.
    • Fine point dry erase markers 
    • Black marble composition books 
    • Pencils 
    • Glue sticks 
    • Crayons 
    • prizes for prize box: erasers, stickers, keychains, fidgets 
    • Baby wipes 
    • Zip lock bags 
    Our Day
    9:05 - 9:20 Work Habits, Morning Meeting
    9:25 - 10:05 Social Studies/Science 
    10:05 - 10:35 WIN (What I Need = time to review/practice/enrich skills)
    10:40 - 11:00 Recess
    11:05 - 11:35 Lunch
    11:35 - 12:35 Math
    12:55  - 1:55 Literacy
    1:55 - 2:35 Writing
    2:35 - 3:15 Special
    2:35 - 3:15 Special Class 
    Monday - Music, Amy Dabreau   
    Tuesday - Library, Bridgit Valgenti 
    Wednesday - Technology, Diane Sendecki   
    Thursday - Gym, Robert D'Ambrosio    
    Friday - Art, Trevor Bryan 
    If you have any questions, please email me directly at cmobrien@jacksonsd.org
    We will use technology to help us stay connected and continue reaching our learning goals.

    Best regards,
    Carol O'Brien
    If you have any questions or concerns, please email me: cmobrien@jacksonsd.org  I'm always just a click away.
     Below, please find stress busters for kids.

    Please check for updates.

    Rainy day? Need to move in the house? Copy and paste this link to keep your child moving: https://app.gonoodle.com/  Better yet, do it with them & have fun too!

    Please keep class shirts when you get them in a safe place so they are ready to wear for spirit days, field trips, School Community Days, and Field Day.


    Homework Helper:

    1. Help your child clear out his daily folder.

    2. Check for any papers that need to be signed like tests, forms, etc.

    3. Complete Math Practice page.  

    4. Read for at least 15 minutes & record parent signature on log kept in daily folder.

    5. Review the weekly sight words in the black & white study buddy.  If your child can read them with automaticity, you do not need to repeat this assignment as the words are also reviewed in class until the test which is every Friday. If your child does need to practice the sight words, the following are some ideas of how to keep practice engaging.

    Sight Word Practice Ideas: 

    1. Write sentences using the sight words in the study buddy.
    2. Play "EyeSpy" with the list of words. For example, "I spy a 5 letter word." The other player must ask a question before guessing which is the word.
    3. Trace each letter of a sight word & guess which is the word.


    First graders will be thinking about reading goals.  We will set goals a number of times throughout the school year as we begin thinking about what we'd like to do differently for our next challenge. We will begin reading independently for 5 minutes as we work up to... 45 MINUTES!  WOW!! We will become GREAT word detectives as we use all of our skills to decode tricky words. We'll be learning to deepen comprehension of stories by retelling about the characters, setting, and plot.  So essentially, talking in-depth about who, where, when, what was the problem, how did the character change, and why did the plot end as it did, are all inquiries that will increase understanding. Items you need in first grade:  A backpack, an extra sweater or sweatshirt as sometimes room temperatures fluctuate, (only water please) and lunch or lunch money (credit online works best for snacks as all lunches are provided at no charge).  

    Please note that we have severe peanut allergies in our classroom so only nut free snacks will be permitted. 

    The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them. -Ralph Nichols

    If you wish to make any donations to our class, we can often use quart sized baggies with zipper tabs, tissues, and miscellaneous treats like pencils, stickers, etc. 




    Online Math Resource:

    This link will give you an online work mat that students can use to practice skills at home.


    Pearson Math 

    When signing in, please use your Google account information for your username and password.  If you have any issues, please email Ms. O'Brien.

    Pearson Realize Link: Use your child's Google Account to access Pearson.

    Online Library Link:http://www.tumblebooklibrary.com/auto_login.aspx?U=elms&P=books


     Please always know that if you have any concerns or questions, I'm only a click away: cmobrien@jacksonsd.org or you may call the school at 732-833-4680.  

    I look forward to growth with each student.  We'll make a great team together!

    Carol O'Brien

    Ready to engage, excel, & exemplify.

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    High Frequency Word HW Practice Suggestions

    What can parents do to help study sight  (also known as high frequency) words that are listed in the study buddy book?

    1. Play “Eye Spy” a word.  
    2. Make matching word cards for “Concentration”.
    3. Think of words that rhyme with each sight word.

    We are using stories to dig deeper concepts such as:
    -identifying a lesson taught in a story
    -getting to know characters to help us predict
    -using characters to understand a series
    -try to predict what characters might say before you read the text

    When we are stuck we:

    Look  at the picture clues.
    Look at the beginning sound 
    Read through the word
    Think about what would make sense
    Think about what would sound right
    Look for smaller words inside of bigger words
    Think if it is like a word you know

    Let's Get Ready to Read 
    1. Look at the cover.
    2. Read the title.
    3. Take a picture walk.
    4. Ask Questions
    -Will this book teach me something?
    -Will I enjoy this book?
    -Does this book remind me of something or someone?
    5. Make a prediction. 
    Weekly Stamina Goal: 5 Minutes of Independent Reading.    Flex your Reading Muscles!

    Words Their Way: Students bring home their individual words sorts in a zip bag.  It is a sort that was chosen specifically for them and their needs.  Students will complete a word sorting activity daily to help learn the spelling pattern within their sort.  Children will be tested on their individual sorting patterns approximately every 6 to 10 days, depending on how they are progressing.  Tested words may or may not be words from the sort but will follow the same pattern.  The goal is not to memorize a list of words, but to understand and use a special pattern.
    Every student should practice math facts daily.   Strong practice brings strong results!
    MATH: Topic 14: Using Data to Answer Questions:  Reading different kinds of graphs & interpreting data to solve problems.

    Donations:   Many parents have asked what they could donate to our class.  Items that we could use are tissues, baby wipes (or sanitizing wipes),  Ziploc bags(all sizes, especially small) and treasure treats for student rewards (just ask your child what prizes he'd like to chose from). Any donations are greatly appreciated






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