- Elms Elementary School
- Welcome
Spadaro, Nicole
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Mrs. Spadaro's Third Grade Class
I am ready to climb to new heights with you all,
as we navigate Third Grade together!
As stated in the principal's message, students in third grade need the following items-
3 marble composition notebooks (wide ruled) and 1 folder.
In addition, each student should bring the following items on the first day of school:
- 1 box of crayons (16 count)
- 3 glue sticks
- 4 dry erase markers, fine tip
- 1 package of post-it notes
- 1 box of pencils (at a minimum)
- 1 pair of headphones or ear buds (not wireless) labeled in a ziploc bag
Chromebooks MUST be brought back to school FULLY CHARGED each day
Earbuds or Headphones
Water Bottle (water only in the classroom). They can enjoy other drinks at lunch.
You might also want to keep a sweatshirt in your backpack because our air conditioning can be chilly inside our classroom.
Specials Schedule
Monday- Music
Tuesday - Library
Wednesday - Technology
Thursday - Physical Education
Friday - Art