
    Welcome to Mrs. Scott's Pre-K Class!


    Hello Pre-K Families! I am so beyond excited about starting this school year with your child! I hope you all had a fun, relaxing and safe summer break!  I love watching my students grow and witnessing all the amazing things they will be able to do over the year! There are so many fun adventures ahead, and I am so happy I will be part of such a huge milestone in your child's life!  

    Thank You, 

    Mrs. Scott


    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! My contact information is below.

    Email: jscott@jacksonsd.org

    Teaching Strategies Link Below


    School Phone: 732-833-4680

    Reminder: We are a PEANUT FREE class! Thank you!


    Every Friday I will send home your child’s sheet and blanket in their backpacks. Please send a clean set every Monday. If you have any questions please let me know! 


    Look what we're learning!

    Current Study: 

    Investigation 1: 

    Letter to Families about our study below: 


    Social Emotional Target: Listening 

    First Day essentials: 

    • Change of clothes labeled in a ziplock baggie (to stay at school) 

    • Sheet & blanket 

    • Pull-ups/wipes if applicable 

    • Healthy snacks & Lunch 

    • Backpack

    • Water Bottle 

    • Folder

    • Clorox wipes 

    • All About Me paper

    • Family Photo

    • Home Language survey

    Student IDs

       -Photo of your child

        Used for:

    • Buses

    • Purchasing lunches


     Ongoing materials that can be donated throughout the year:

    - Boxes (medium/small)

    - empty bottles

    - magazines or newspapers

    - paper towel/ toliet paper rolls

    - leftover cardboard 

    - bubble wrap

    Daily Reminders

    - Label all snacks with a name or initials

    - Label all extra clothes

    - Check the balance of lunch cards 

    - Send a blanket & sheet in on Mondays

    *Please refrain from sending in toys from home UNLESS it is a soft toy for rest time*

     Important Links & Articles

    Teaching Strategies Family App Instructions

    Attendance Helper Guide

    Jackson Headstart Program

    My Plate Healthy Lunch Guide

    Smart School Snacks Guide


    Our Class Schedule 


    Our Half Day Schedule 
