Title IX and Sexual Harassment of Students

  • Title IX and Sexual Harassment of Students

    The Board of Education will not tolerate sexual harassment of students by school employees, other students, or third parties.  The school district shall investigate and resolve allegations of sexual harassment of students engaged in by school employees, other students, or third parties pursuant to 34 CFR §106.3(c) and Policy and Regulation 5751 (see the full policy and regulation via the links below).  In addition, reports of sexual harassment shall also be investigated in accordance with the requirements of New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act and Policy 5512.

    Policy 5751: Sexual Harassment of Students

    Regulation 5751: Sexual Harassment of Students

    For more information regarding Policy 5751 or to file a formal complaint of the sexual harassment of a student, please contact the Jackson Title IX Coordinator via the contact information below:

    Title IX Coordinator – Dr. Laura Godlesky, Assistant Superintendent 

    Address: 151 Don Connor Blvd., Jackson, New Jersey 08527 

    Telephone: (732) 833 - 4604

    E-Mail: lgodlesky@jacksonsd.org