- Jackson School District
- Anti-Hazing Policy
HIB - Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Info
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“Hazing” in a school setting includes, but is not limited to, conduct by an individual(s) who is a member and/or representative of a school-sponsored student organization, club, or athletic team where such individual(s) conditions a student’s acceptance as a member into such group on whether the student engages in activities that are humiliating, demeaning, intimidating, and exhausting to the student.
Hazing may also include, but is not limited to, the following actions by an individual or individuals:
- Causes, coerces, or otherwise induces a student to commit an act that violates Federal or State criminal law;
- Causes, coerces, or otherwise induces a student to consume any food, liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug or other substance which subjects the student to a risk of emotional or physical harm or is otherwise deleterious to the student’s health;
- Subjects a student to abuse, mistreatment, harassment, or degradation of a physical nature, including, but not limited to, whipping, beating, branding, excessive calisthenics, or exposure to the elements;
- Subjects a student to abuse, mistreatment, harassment, or degradation of a mental or emotional nature, including, but not limited to, activity adversely affecting the mental or emotional health or dignity of the individual, sleep deprivation, exclusion from social contact, or conduct that could result in extreme embarrassment;
- Subjects a student to abuse, mistreatment, harassment, or degradation of a sexual nature; or
- Subjects a student to any other activity that creates a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury to the student
Board of Education members, school employees, and contracted service providers are required to report an alleged incident of hazing that may take place or has taken place on or off school grounds to the Principal or designee on the same day when the individual witnessed or received reliable information regarding such an incident.
Students, parents, volunteers, or visitors are encouraged to report an alleged incident of hazing that may take place or has taken place on or off school grounds to the Principal or designee on the same day when the individual witnessed or received reliable information regarding any such incident.
Any report of an alleged incident of hazing shall be immediately investigated by the Principal or designee in accordance with procedures used to investigate alleged violations of the Student Discipline/Code of Conduct and Policy.
A Principal or designee who receives a report of an alleged incident of hazing and fails to initiate or conduct an investigation and fails to minimize or eliminate the hazing may be subject to disciplinary action.
The Principal or designee may identify behavior when investigating an alleged incident of hazing indicating harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB). If the Principal or designee identifies behavior indicating HIB, the Principal or designee shall ensure a separate investigation is conducted in accordance with the HIB law.
The Superintendent or designee shall report to local law enforcement any hazing incident that rises to the level of mandatory reporting under the “Uniform Memorandum of Agreement Between Education Officials and Law Enforcement Officials” or any other agreement between local law enforcement and the school district.