

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Gochal-Ruderman

Hello my name is Mrs. Gochal-Ruderman! 

This is my sixth year teaching and I am so excited to be a part of the Elms family. 

Here are some facts about me so that you can get to know me a little better.


I was born and raised in Jackson. I was actually the first fifth grade class to graduate from Elms! I then went to Goetz Middle School and graduated from Jackson Memorial High school.

I graduated from college at Georgian Court University with a B.A. in English, Education, and Special Education.

Things I love:

I am a huge Disney fan and love everything Disney (movies, music, quotes.) Really anything that has Mickey on it makes me happy! 

My favorite thing to do is spend time with my husband, my puppy Luna, and my daughter Penelope.

In my free time I like to take walks to the park, read books, and watch TV with my daughter.


Food: Panera salad and anything with Peanut butter

Color: Blue

Children's Book: Charlotte's Web

Music: Country Music

Place: Disney World 


What I am most excited for....

To meet all of my new students and have an amazing and fun year!


" If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney