Academy of the Arts

  • Acadmy of the Arts


    The Jackson School District's Academy of the Arts opened in September 2017. It offers focused study in three different strands:

    • Vocal Music
    • Instrumental Music
    • Studio and Graphic Art

    This academy will serve as a catalyst for students who possess proven aptitude and interests to realize their creative potential.  The program provides a personalized and rigorous environment that fosters experiential, performance-based educational opportunities and contributes to the cultural enrichment of a global society.

    The Academy of the Arts will assist students in their discovery and development of their unique skills and talents through an intense four-year focused learning experience.  This integrated arts and academic program combines high standards, critical thinking and whole-person development as an approach to learning.

    Students interested in being chosen for the Academy of the Arts must fill out an application and complete an audition.

    What Will I Study?

    In our other Academies, students travel through their subject-area academic courses together and then take electives with classmates outside of the Academy. In the Academy of the Arts, students will take elective classes within their strand with a cohort of Academy students with similar interests. In many cases the Academy-level electives will be advanced electives unique to Academy students.

    Some examples of those courses throughout the three strands would be Honors Music Theory 1& 2/Piano Lab, Concert Choir, Diction for Singers, Honors Music Technology, Honors Arranging and Conducting, Honors Advanced Acting & Theatrical History, Advanced Drama, Speech and Drama, Stage and Lighting Design, Honors Studio Art 1, 2 and 3, AP Studio 2D Design, Honors Drawing, Honors Graphics 2&3, Honors US World History, and JAA Honors Senior Practicum.

    Students in the Academy of the Arts still have the ability to take Honors or AP classes in other content areas (e.g. math, history, science, English).

    See our Course Progressions for each Strand:

    View the Audition Requirements for the Vocal and Instrumental strands below.  Auditions will take place at Jackson Liberty High School on Saturday, February 22, 2025.  After the applications close, students will be notified of the day and time for their audition.


    How Can I Talk to Someone More About the Academy?

    Students may apply to more than one Academy, but must complete a separate application for each Academy.

    If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the McAuliffe School Guidance office at (732) 833-4727 or the Goetz School Guidance office at (732) 833-4747.


Academy of the Arts Video

Academy Application/ Acceptance Timeline

  • Applications will open on the website TODAY at 3 pm

    Link to JSD Academies of Learning APPLICATION

    Application Deadline January 31, 2025


    All applications are due January 31st by 9 a.m. (Late applications will NOT be accepted)

    Notices of Academy Acceptances will be sent on March 7th for all Academies of Learning.

     All applications are located on each Academy's page.

Applying to the JAA

  • After viewing the information on this page, if you have additional questions or want to talk more - please CONTACT teachers directly for more information:

    GOETZ: Mr. McCarthy - BAND;  Ms. Noble - VOCAL; Mrs. Soden  - ART

    McAULIFFE:  Ms. Katona - BAND; Ms. O'Keeffe - VOCAL; Mr. Cecere - ART

    Auditions for the Vocal and Instrumental Music strands will take place on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Jackson Liberty High School.  All applicants will receive more details for auditions and art submissions after the application closes.

    • VOCAL (in-person on 2/22/25)
    • INSTRUMENTAL (in-person on 2/22/25)
    • ART (Google Classroom submissions due no later than 2/22/25)