Welcome to Ms. Carbo's & Ms. Schlossberg's Class!
Hello, and welcome to Fifth grade! The last year of elementary school will be extremely exciting. We hope you're ready! Our classroom will be a fun, loving, positive place where you can express yourself and enjoy learning. We will work together and have tons of fun! We will have a unique schedule. You will have us for Homeroom, Literacy (Reading, Writing, Grammar, Spelling), and WIN. You will have Mrs. Karatzia and Ms. Scholssberg for Math, Science, and Social Studies. We can't wait to meet you!
-💝Red Math Folder
-🧡Orange Science/SS Folder
-💚Green Literacy Folder
-💙Blue Class Work Folder
-Soft pencil bag with a supply of pencils, a pack of colored pencils, post-its, and a highlighterWe can always use tissues and cleaning wipes as well!
If anyone needs help with getting supplies, please let me know.
**Parents - Please send me a quick email so that I can add you to my contacts.
Specials Schedule:
Monday: Technology
Tuesday: Music
Wednesday: Media
Thursday: Art
Friday: Gym
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year!
Ms. Carbo: TLCarbo@jacksonsd.org
Ms. Schlossberg: jlschlossberg@jacksonsd.org