Welcome to Ms. Weaver's Second Grade Class!
2024 - 2025Hello Second Grade Families! I am so incredibly excited about starting this school year with your child! I hope you all had a fun, relaxing and safe summer break! Second grade is such a rewarding and fun grade to teach. I love being able to watch my students grow and witness all the amazing things they will do over the year! There are so many fun adventures ahead, and I am so happy that I can be part of such a huge milestone in your child's life!
Please feel free to reach out with ANY questions or concerns you may have anytime!
Thank You,
Ms. Weaver 😊
nweaver@jacksonsd.orgNewsletter Week of November 11th - November 15th
Important November Events/Reminders!
Back to School Night 2024 Presentation
Class Page
Thank you for visiting our class page. Please visit our class page each week for an update on school events, classroom events, and updates to our weekly curriculum. The weekly curriculum will include skills and strategies introduced in Literacy, Math, and Social Studies/Science (we will alternate between Social Studies & Science units).
Google Classroom
Please join my Google Classroom, as it will be used for important information regarding our classroom activities. Students will be assisted with logging into my Google Classroom on their chromebooks during the first week of school, as well as the Unified Arts/Specials teachers' Google Classrooms. In the event that your child is not connected to my Google Classroom when they come home with their chromebook, please use the following steps to have them join:
***An invitation for my Google Classroom will be sent to student's Google accounts at the beginning of the school year.***How To Join My Google Classroom
1. Have students log onto their chromebook (usernames and passwords will be sent home on a sheet at the beginning of the year if needed, but should be the same as their username/password from the previous year!)
2. Open up their email.
3. Find the Google Classroom invitation email from me and click "join".
4. Make sure you can see "Ms. Weaver's Second Grade Class". If you can, your child has successfully joined my Classroom!How To Access My Google Classroom
Please use the steps below to access my Google Classroom once invited:
1. Log onto chromebook - usernames and passwords will be sent home on a sheet at the beginning of the year if needed! (should be the same as their username/password from the previous year)
2. Go to the waffle (9 dots in the corner of the screen) on the Google screen.
3. Click on "Classroom" and find Ms. Weaver's Second Grade Class!Communication
The Crawford PTN will be providing each student with a Crawford folder that your child will bring back and forth to school from home in their backpack. This folder will be used as a tool for us to communicate daily. Each day, your child will bring home this folder. If there is a need to send anything back to school, it will come home in the "Return to School" side of the folder. Homework is one example of something that would be in the "Return to School" side. Anything that comes home on the "Leave at Home" side of the folder can stay at home. Any notes from home to school regarding dismissal, lunch money, or any correspondence should be put in the folder on the " Return to School" side. Thank you in advance for your support, as I believe a good parent-teacher relationship is so essential for a successful school year. You are always welcome to contact me!
Email: nweaver@jacksonsd.org
School Phone: 732-833-4690Parent Communication
Please also consider joining my "Remind" group!Remind Invitation/Instructions
Remind is a communication platform that will be utilized throughout the school year to stay connected with you. It is a wonderful tool to keep you updated with important information regarding our school day, changes in schedules, or last minute notices.Class Code:
If you have a smartphone, get push notifications. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: rmd.at/mswsecond
If you do not have a smartphone, get text notifications. Text the message @mswsecond to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @mswsecond to (415) 780-9457.Classroom Supplies
Here is a list of items that I am asking parents to send to school with their child during the first few weeks of school. The following items are:1. Pencil box or case
2. Sharpened pencils
3. Box of crayons
4. 2-3 glue sticks
5. 2 dry erase markers
6. Folder
7. Notebook
Some additional items that are optional (but super helpful 😊):
*Colored pencils*Scissors
*Hand Sanitizer
Thank you SO much for your support, it is greatly appreciated! 😄
Daily Schedule
Lunch Daily: 12:45 - 1:15 PMUnified Arts/Specials Schedule
Unified Arts/Specials Daily: 11:15 - 11:55 AM
Monday: Art
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Technology
Thursday: Music
Friday: Library
(Chromebooks need to be brought into school on Wednesday for Technology class)
(Sneakers should be worn on Tuesday for Gym class)***Unified Arts Google Classroom Codes will be listed on my Google Classroom. Students should already be logged into the Unified Arts Google Classrooms during the first few weeks, but in the event that they are not, please use the codes listed on my Google Classroom to join the Unified Arts Classrooms on students' chromebooks!***
Happy Birthday:
Jose - November 20th