• Welcome to Mrs. Goldstein's Kindergarten ClassPage

     Email Address:  dmgoldstein@jacksonsd.org 


    Back To School Night will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 13th. Information will be sent out prior to the date.


    For School

    • 1 backpack (large enough for chrome book and a folder)
    • Extra set of clothing.  Please place them in a plastic bag with your child’s name.  
    • Headphones for Chromebooks
    • Daily leak-proof water bottle for breaks (preferrably a reusable bottle)
    • Clipboard
    • Old sock (for dry erase board use) 

    All other supplies for classroom use will be provided!

     For At-Home Activities

    • Crayons
    • Scissors
    • Glue Sticks
    • Pencils/sharpener

    Wish List

    • Tissues
    • Play-Doh
    • Sidewalk Chalk
    • Fine point dry erase markers
    • Small and Large Zip Lock storage bags 


    • Sneakers
    • A sweater/sweatshirt for cool days in class


    -Use the Student Resource Folder up on the left to find extra practice activities and websites that you and your child could use to practice their skills.  

    *REMIND 101 TEXT MESSAGING APP install the app onto your phone for day to day communication, reminder messages, and other communication purposes. https://www.remind.com/join/d87679 

    Monday:  Computers (Chromebooks Needed)
    Tuesday: Music
    Wednesday:  Library
    Thursday: Art
    Friday: Gym (Sneakers Needed)