• Welcome students, my name is Joseph Fuca (Few-Kuh). 


    Jackson Memorial High School Room 218


    Please email me with questions or comments: jfuca@jacksonsd.org


    VIDEO for Back to School Night:https://youtu.be/hh2p8Y2umJY 



    Lets have a good year


    Lets have a good year



    • The backbone of this classroom relies upon on your willingness to participate. I expect each and every student to participate throughout the day, week, month, and overall school year. 

    • At first this may be daunting but like all things once we get to know each other it will make this classroom fun and enjoyable for you and myself.

    • You will be working in pairs and groups many times throughout a regular week.​​​​ This will mostly be for “Do Nows” and “Exit Tickets.”

    • With ample class participation this class will run smoothly and you will get more out of it!!!