
  • DNA        Skeleton

      Honors Anatomy Materials needed:                                                     3 ring binder with paper                      index cards for vocabulary                       Pencils and pens                            *** Colored pencils (counted towards grade)     *** Computer access with printer                                                                             *** Chromebook compatible earbuds (count towards grade)

     Honors Biology Material:                                                                       3-ring binder with paper (1 or 1½ inch)             Pencils and pens                          Highlighter & white out tape                                                                                        *** Colored pencils (counts towards grade)                                                                *** Chromebook compatible Earbuds (counts towards grade)                                *** Computer access and functional printer 

    Google classroom is our site where assignments and resources will be posted

    Email me with any questions at jhudacko@jacksonsd.org

    Keep checking genesis for your child's progress 

    Welcome Welcome Welcome

    To Mrs. Hudacko's class page.  I teach Honors biology, College prep biology and Honors Anatomy & Physiology.  The curriculum standards for these courses are based on Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and will integrate critical thinking skills.  This page contains information the will be very useful to parents and students throughout the semester.  

    I am looking forward to a great year. 

             It is not the strongest of the species that survives,                                                        nor the most intelligent.                                                         It is the one that is most adaptable to change   --                                     Charles Darwin