• Einstein

    Welcome to the 2021-22 school year!

    For Semester 1: All assignments and announcements will be posted on my Google Classroom page for each class. Please refer to the announcements posted there. Please email me with any questions - Mr. Harrington

    Here is a link to the Classroom for Each Class:

    Classroom Period 1

    Classroom Period 4

    The topics/lessons we will study each day are posted in the calendar.

    Here are some helpful links:

    Positive Physics


    Name: Mr. Jon Harrington. 

    Course: Physics

    Room: 144






  • Schedule

    Period 1: Physics Room 144  (7:20-8:40)

    Period 2: Attendance Review Committee

    Period 3: Prep

    Period 4: Physics Room 144  (12:18-1:38)