
  • Fun Fact: DaVinci spent 12 years painting Mona Lisa's Lips. 


    Welcome to

    Mrs. Callahan's

    Art Class!



    "We don't make mistakes, just Happy little accidents." - Bob Ross


    Back to School Night Video



  • This is a Choice Based Classroom. Choice based art learning or Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) is a nationally recognized art education approach to teaching art. The TAB concept enables students to experience the work of the artist through authentic learning opportunities and responsive teaching.

    Choice-based art education regards students as artists and offers them real choices for responding to their own ideas and interests through the making of art.  Choice-based art education supports multiple modes of learning and assessment for the diverse needs of students.

    Students work then in fact is authentic to them and not a "cookie-cutter" replicataion of the teachers work. Students will have opportunities to explore and learn various aspects of art while being true to the artistic process.

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  • Please join the Google classroom for your art class through the invite sent in your school email. 

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  • Welcpne to Semester 2

    Grades were updated on 2/7 at 1:30pm for all work turned in by 1:15pm. 

    Reminder: Class Participation grades are WEEKLY grades.


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  • Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. hlcallahan@jacksonsd.org


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