- Crawford-Rodriguez Elementary School
- Crawford-Rodriguez News Archive
Principal's Message February 2022
Hello Crawford-Rodriguez Families,
February School Closings
School is closed on February 21 in honor of President’s Day.
February Activities
- Valentine’s Day Celebrations - Monday, February 14
Your child’s teacher will provide information regarding Valentine’s Day Class Celebrations. Students will be able to exchange cards.
- One School, One Book
We are pleased to once again be participating in an all-school book club called One School, One Book! Every student has received a copy of the book, Friendship According to Humphrey by Betty G. Birney! You will be asked to read together at home over the next few weeks following the schedule provided (on the back). Your child will be invited to answer daily trivia questions to encourage and reward attentive listening. I know you will enjoy this special reading time with your children.
Our One School, One Book Virtual Activity Night will take place on Wednesday, February 23. More details to come!!!!
- Read Across America Reading Contest and Activities: February 2 - March 2
- February 2 - Reading Contest Begins! - Look for your child’s reading calendar!
- February 15 - Celebrate Your Team: Wear a Team Jersey Day!
- February 16 - Reading Rockstar Day: Dress like a Rockstar!
- February 17 - Read My Shirt Day: Wear a shirt that others can read!
- February 18 - Show Your Reading Spirit: School Spirit Day - Wear school colors!
- February 22 - Cat In the Hat Day: Wear a crazy or favorite hat!
- February 23 - Color War Day - Each grade wears a certain color
- Preschool and Kindergarten: Red
- Grade 1: Orange
- Grade 2: Yellow
- Grade 3: Green
- Grade 4: Blue
- Grade 5: Purple
- February 24 - Cozy Up To Reading: Wear your jammies for a PJ reading day!
- February 25 - Show Your Reading Spirit - School Spirit Day - Wear school colors
- March 2 - National Read Across America Day - All reading calendars turned in to your teacher - GRADE LEVEL TRIVIA GAME DAY
Winter Recess
Students will have recess outside when the weather permits and the temperature is 40 degrees or above. Recess will be indoors during inclement weather and when temperatures are below 40 degrees.
Early Pick-Up Procedures Reminder
When your child(ren) needs to leave school early, before 2:30pm when we begin preparing for dismissal, it is important that you send a note (paper note or email) to your child’s teacher informing them that your child(ren) will be leaving early. The note helps to ensure that your child is ready to be dismissed in a timely manner when you arrive for pick-up.
A good practice is to call the main office to inform us of the early dismissal to ensure that your child’s teacher did receive the message.
Having your child(ren) prepared for an early dismissal will take time when we are not notified in advance.
Warm Regards,
Mrs. Jean-Denis