Mr. Jones/USII/ddjones@jacksonsd.org
Welcome back after a well-deserved summer break. This year you will be learning from World War II to the present day. This course is really intriguing as it enables you to understand the factors that led our country to become what we see today in both domestic and foreign matters. In this class, application skills are paramount as we learn from the past, live in the present, but apply our knowledge in an attempt to hypothesize about the future.
Email: ddjones@jacksonsd.org
Google classroom
Period 1 https://classroom.google.com/c/NjIxMzk5ODAyNDQ1
Period 4 https://classroom.google.com/c/NjIxMzk2MTcyOTcy
Below are some websites to help with conceptual understandings of topics:
Preview attachment War in the Pacific
Textbook chapters here:
Preview attachment Maginot LinePreview attachment Allied path to victory in EuropeAllied path to victory in EuropeShared in DriveMaginot LineShared in DriveWar in the PacificShared in Drive