
    Please complete the following lessons during the Weeks of June 8th-17th.                         

    Kindergarten and First Grade lessons are NOT coordinated with Media lessons this week

    Students must press Submit for Teachers to know the Project is Completed.


    Required Lessons

    Additional Resources/

    Extension Activities


    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    To gather feedback from students on the 2019-2020 school year.


    Answer the questions in the Google Form below.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    K/1 Computer/STEM End of Year Survey

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    First Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    To gather feedback from students on the 2019-2020 school year.


    Answer the questions in the Google Form below.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    K/1 Computer/STEM End of Year Survey

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Second Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    To gather feedback from students on the 2019-2020 school year.


    Answer the questions in the Google Form below.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Technology End of the Year Survey

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Third Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    To gather feedback from students on the 2019-2020 school year.


    Answer the questions in the Google Form below.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Technology End of the Year Survey

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Fourth Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    To gather feedback from students on the 2019-2020 school year.


    Answer the questions in the Google Form below.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Technology End of the Year Survey

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Fifth Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    To gather feedback from students on the 2019-2020 school year.


    Answer the questions in the Google Form below.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Technology End of the Year Survey

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Please complete the following lessons during the Week of June 1st.                              

    Kindergarten and First Grade lessons are NOT coordinated with Media lessons this week.

    Students must press Submit for Teachers to know the Project is Completed.


    Required Lessons

    Additional Resources/

    Extension Activities


    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    Use computer code to create digital stories and solve problems.


    Use the coding blocks to get your character to the candy.  Once you complete coding for 10 minutes come back to this assignment.


    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Coding for Beginners: Candy Quest

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    First Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    Use computer code to create digital stories and solve problems.


    Use the coding blocks to get your character to the candy.  Once you complete coding for 10 minutes come back to this assignment.


    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Coding for Beginners: Candy Quest

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Second Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    Use computer code to create digital stories and solve problems.


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Coding Continued Grades 2-5 Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Third Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    Use computer code to create digital stories and solve problems.


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Coding Continued Grades 2-5 Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Fourth Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    Use computer code to create digital stories and solve problems.


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Coding Continued Grades 2-5 Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Fifth Grade

    This week’s Learning Goal:  

    Use computer code to create digital stories and solve problems.


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment.

    Press Submit at the bottom of the Google Form when Done.

    Coding Continued Grades 2-5 Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Hour of Code Coding Games

    Please complete the following lessons during the Week of May 26th.                            

    Grades K and 1 are doing this work just for Computers this week.


    Required Lessons

    Additional Resources/

    Extension Activities



    You're almost 1st Graders!  Let’s get to know your 1st Grade Chromebook!

    Open the Form below and look at the pictures to answer the questions to see how much you know. 

    Label your Chromebook - K - Google Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids Science Games

    First Grade


    You're almost 2nd Graders!  Let’s see what you know about your 2nd Grade Chromebook!

    Open the Form below and look at the pictures to answer the questions to see how much you know. 

     Do you know the Chromebook? - 1 - Google Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids Science Games

    Second Grade


    You're almost 3rd Graders!  Let’s get to know your 3rd Grade Chromebook!

    Open the Form below and look at the pictures to answer the questions to see how much you know. 

    Do You Know the Chromebook Parts? - 2 Google From

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids Science Games

    Third Grade

    Let’s take a Technology Challenge Quiz!

    What do you know about Technology? You can use Google to find the answers! 


    Open this Technology Quiz - Google Form to see how much you know about Technology. 

    Fill out the Form and answer the questions. Click Submit at the bottom of the Form when you are done. Have Fun!

    5/25  - Gr. 3-5 - Technology Past and Present Quiz Master Fun!

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    ScienceKids/Technology Games

    Fourth Grade

    Let’s take a Technology Challenge Quiz!

    What do you know about Technology? You can use Google to find the answers! 


    Open this Technology Quiz - Google Form to see how much you know about Technology. 

    Fill out the Form and answer the questions. Click Submit at the bottom of the Form when you are done. Have Fun!

    5/25 - Gr. 3-5 - Technology Past and Present Quiz Master Fun!

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    ScienceKids/Technology Games

    Fifth Grade

    Let’s take a Technology Challenge Quiz!

    What do you know about Technology? You can use Google to find the answers! 


    Open this Technology Quiz - Google Form to see how much you know about Technology. 

    Fill out the Form and answer the questions. Click Submit at the bottom of the Form when you are done. Have Fun!

    5/25 - Gr. 3-5 - Technology Past and Present Quiz Master Fun!

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    ScienceKids/Technology Games

    Please complete the following lessons during the Week of May 18th.

    Kindergarten and First Grade lessons are in coordination with Media lessons this week.



    Required Lessons

    Additional Resources/

    Extension Activities


    Note: Library and Computers are combined this week for K-1.  If you already filled out the form in Library,you may do one of the web sites over there.   --------------------->


    Listen to the book Chester’s Way by Kevin Henkes on Storyline Online.


    Answer these questions:

    Switlik Form

    Rosenauer Form

    If you complete this it counts as your Library and Computer work for the week!

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids Science Games

    First Grade

    Note: Library and Computers are combined this week for K-1.  If you already filled out the form in Library,you may do one of the web sites over there.   ----------------------->


    Read the book When a Dragon Moves In by Jodi Moore on Storyline Online.


    Answer this question: 

    Switlik Form

    Rosenauer Form

    If you complete this it counts as your Library and Computer work for the week!

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids Science Games

    Second Grade

    Let’s have a little Virtual STEM Fun!

    What do you know about Circuits? 


    Open this STEM Circuit Fun - Google Form to see how much you can learn about “Circuits.” 

    Watch the video on Introduction to Simple Circuits, then follow the directions carefully as you move through the Form. You will need to open a link to a website and go back and forth between the site and the Form.  Fill out the Form and answer the questions. Click Submit at the bottom of the Form when you are done. Have Fun!

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    ScienceWiz Electricity Games

    Third Grade

    Let’s have a little Virtual STEM Fun!

    What do you know about Circuits? 


    Open this STEM Circuit Fun - Google Form to see how much you can learn about “Circuits.” 

    Watch the video on Introduction to Simple Circuits, then follow the directions carefully as you move through the Form. You will need to open a link to a website and go back and forth between the site and the Form.  Fill out the Form and answer the questions. Click Submit at the bottom of the Form when you are done. Have Fun!

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    ScienceWiz Electricity Games

    Fourth Grade

    Let’s have a little Virtual STEM Fun!

    What do you know about Circuits? 


    Open this STEM Circuit Fun - Google Form to see how much you can learn about “Circuits.” 

    Watch the video on Introduction to Simple Circuits, then follow the directions carefully as you move through the Form. You will need to open a link to a website and go back and forth between the site and the Form.  Fill out the Form and answer the questions. Click Submit at the bottom of the Form when you are done. Have Fun!

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    ScienceWiz Electricity Games

    Fifth Grade

    Let’s have a little Virtual STEM Fun!

    What do you know about Circuits? 


    Open this STEM Circuit Fun - Google Form to see how much you can learn about “Circuits.” 

    Watch the video on Introduction to Simple Circuits, then follow the directions carefully as you move through the Form. You will need to open a link to a website and go back and forth between the site and the Form.  Fill out the Form and answer the questions. Click Submit at the bottom of the Form when you are done. Have Fun!

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    ScienceWiz Electricity Games


    Please complete the following lessons during the Week of May 11th.

    Kindergarten and First Grade lessons are in coordination with Media lessons this week.


    Required Lessons

    Additional Resources/

    Extension Activities


    Note: Library and Computers are combined this week for K-1.  If you already filled out the form in Library,you may do one of the web sites over there.   -------------------------------------->

    Read the book Zombies Don't Eat Veggies by Megan and Jorge Lacera on Storyline Online.

    Answer these questions:

    Switlik Form

    Rosenauer Form

    If you complete this it counts as your Library and Computer work for the week!

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sesame Street


    First Grade

    Note: Library and Computers are combined this week for K-1.  If you already filled out the form in Library,you may do one of the web sites over there.   -------------------------------------->

    Read the book Library Lion on Storyline Online.

    Answer this question: 

    Switlik Form

    Rosenauer Form

    If you complete this it counts as your Library and Computer work for the week!

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software


    Second Grade

    Directions: Have you been using Google Classroom? 

    (Don't forget to click on Present!)

    Google Classroom Guidelines Slideshow

    Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Classroom Guidelines”. Watch the slideshow before  you fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids- Engineering games

    Third Grade

    Directions: Have you been using Google Classroom? 

    (Don't forget to click on Present!)

    Google Classroom Guidelines Slideshow

    Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Classroom Guidelines”. Watch the slideshow before  you fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland

    Fourth Grade

    Directions: Have you been using Google Classroom? 

    (Don't forget to click on Present!)

    Google Classroom Guidelines Slideshow

    Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Classroom Guidelines”. Watch the slideshow before  you fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland

    Fifth Grade

    Directions: Have you been using Google Classroom? 

    (Don't forget to click on Present!)

    Google Classroom Guidelines Slideshow

    Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Classroom Guidelines”. Watch the slideshow before  you fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland


    Please complete the following lessons during the Week of May 4th.

    Kindergarten and First Grade lessons are in coordination with Media lessons this week.


    Required Lessons

    Additional Resources/

    Extension Activities


    Note: Library and Computers are combined this week for K-1.  If you already filled out the form in Library,you may do one of the web sites over there.   -------------------------------------->

    Visit BookFlix (username: bookflix48 password: green) and read these 2 books in the category “Animals and Nature:”  Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert and It Could Still be a Flower by Allan Fowler.

    Fill out the Form below for your school only.

    Switlik Form

    Rosenauer Form

    If you complete this it counts as your Library and Computer work for the week!

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sesame Street


    First Grade

    Note: Library and Computers are combined this week for K-1.  If you already filled out the form in Library,you may do one of the web sites over there.   -------------------------------------->

    Listen to the book on Storyline online: Clark the Shark


    Fill out the Form below for your school only.

    Switlik Form

    Rosenauer Form

    If you complete this it counts as your Library and Computer work for the week!

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software


    Second Grade

    Library and Computers Grades 2-5 are not combined this week, Please fill out the Form below.

    Directions: Have you been using Google Meet? 

    Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Meet Rules”. Fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    Switlik and Rosenauer Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids- Engineering games

    Third Grade

    Library and Computers Grades 2-5 are not combined this week, Please fill out the Form below.

    Directions: Have you been using Google Meet? 

    Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Meet Rules”. Fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    Switlik and Rosenauer Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland

    Fourth Grade

    Library and Computers Grades 2-5 are not combined this week, Please fill out the Form below.

    Directions: Have you been using Google Meet? 

    Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Meet Rules”. Fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    Switlik and Rosenauer Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland

    Fifth Grade

    Library and Computers Grades 2-5 are not combined this week, Please fill out the Form below.

    Directions: Have you been using Google Meet? Open this Google Form to see how much you know about “Google Meet Rules”. Fill out the form and answer the questions. Click submit at the bottom when you are done.

    Switlik and Rosenauer Form

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland



    Please complete the following lessons during the Week of April 27th.

    Kindergarten and First Grade lessons are in coordination with Media lessons this week.


    Required Lessons

    Additional Resources/

    Extension Activities


    Go to BookFlix. (Username: bookflix48 Password: green) Click on the category  “Animals and Nature” and find the book Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann and the companion non-fiction book Who Works at the Zoo? by Alyse Sweeney.  Listen to both books. 😊

    Option 1: After you read the story, play the game Keyboarding Zoo.

    Option 2: Find and Type: How do the animals get out of their zoo cages in Good Night, Gorilla?  Who discovers they are out of their cages and what happens next?

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sesame Street


    First Grade

    Read the book Mice Twice on Storyline Online.😊

    Find and Answer using this Google Doc: Cat was expecting Mouse to bring another mouse friend to dinner. Instead, Mouse brought Dog. Do you think this was a clever choice? Why or why not? 

    Once completed, come back to this assignment - View Assignment and click "Turn In".

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software


    Second Grade


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment - View Assignment and click "Mark as Done".

    Coding for beginners: Dance Party

    Coding for Beginners, Intermediates, or Experts: Tynker

    These are some additional activities for your child:

    Sheppard Software

    PbsKids- Engineering games

    Third Grade


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment - View Assignment and click "Mark as Done".

    Coding for beginners: Dance Party

    Coding for Beginners, Intermediates, or Experts: Tynker

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland

    Fourth Grade


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment - View Assignment and click "Mark as Done".

    Coding for beginners: Dance Party

    Coding for Beginners, Intermediates, or Experts: Tynker

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland

    Fifth Grade


    Choose one of the activities below according to your comfort level with coding. Once you complete coding for 20 minutes come back to this assignment - View Assignment and click "Mark as Done".

    Coding for beginners: Dance Party

    Coding for Beginners, Intermediates, or Experts: Tynker

    These are some additional activities for your child:


    Typing Games

    Be Internet Awesome - Interland