Distinguished Cadet Awards

  • cadet

    For Academic Achievement, Outstanding Leadership Ability, Professionalism, and Sustained Dedication to the Unit.


    1999 - Nicole Mikkelsen

    2000 - Anthony Iliadis

    2001 - Scott Jordan

    2002 - Mary Liberty Yambao

    2003 - Carl Book III

    2004 - Laura Kufta

    2005 - Janna Blardony

    2006 - Robyn Miller

    2007 - Christine Kuhl

    2008 - Tyler Book

    2009 - Kevin MacDonald

    2010 - Christopher Dunn

    2011 - Shanna Baldwin

    2012 - Anthony Sclafani

    2013 - Samantha Shea

    2014 - Natalie Hnath

    2015 - Michael Valanzola

    2016 - Amy Lynch

    2017 - Sage Sebastian

    2018 - Hannah Mahabir

    2019 - Andre Bautista 

    2020 - Sophia Cender

    2021 - Zachary Canzano

    2022 - Gabriella Rees

    2023 - Jarret Brooks

Unit Awards

  • unit

    The Distinguished Unit Award recognizes Air Force Junior ROTC units that have performed above and beyond normal expectations. It honors unites who have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to their school and community while meeting the Air Force Junior ROTC mission of producing better citizens for America.


    May 2024: "Distinguished Unit Award with Merit"

    May 2023: "Distinguished Unit Award"

    May 2022: "Distinguished Unit Award"

    May 2020: "Distinguished Unit Award with Merit"

    May 2019: “Distinguished Unit Award”

    May 2018: "Distinguished Unit Award"

    May 2017: "Distinguished Unit Award"

    May 2016: "Distinguished Unit Award with Merit"

    May 2015: "Distinguished Unit Award" 

    May 2014: "Distinguished Unit Award" 

    May 2013: "Distinguished Unit Award with Merit" 

    May 2012: "Distinguished Unit Award" 

    May 2011: "Distinguished Unit Award with Merit" 

    May 2010: "Distinguished Unit Award" 

    May 2009: "Distinguished Unit Award with Merit" 

    October 2008: "Exceeds Standards" Rating on Inspection

    May 2006: Distinguished Unit Award


    Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award

    The Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award is an honor that emphasizes the value of community service, and establishes a greater sense of pride within the corps.  This distinctive honor is only bestowed to the top five percent of all AFJROTC units worldwide (approximately 45) who have the highest "per Cadet average" community service hours.

    May 2024: Silver Star Community Service with Excellence Award