

    Hello! Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a terrific summer!!! I cannot wait to meet our class! Our Fourth Grade classroom is located in room 102.  Below you will find some information as to suggested school supplies that would be helpful to have for the start of the school year.  Looking forward to seeing you on September 5th! Please feel free to send in a healthy snack daily! No candy/sweets, please!  Students can also keep a water bottle at their desk. No juice please! An invite to join our google classroom was sent to the student email accounts.  Please be sure to join! Here is the code if you did not receive an email: tlvhx4b 
    Please note that our classroom is peanut, treenut, and egg free.  Please provide snacks for your child that do not contain peanuts, treenuts, or eggs.  Thank you! 
    Here are some upcoming dates:
    September 11- Patriot's Day/ wear red, white, and blue
    September 24- Back to School Night at 7
    Please note that if there is a change in student dismissal, a note will need to be written.

     If you have any questions or need to reach me, please send me an email at mdmilon@jacksonsd.org.


     Suggested supplies:

    daily snack

    a one subject notebook

    two composition books

    one 1-inch binder with paper

    one folder

    five pencils

    one blue/black pen

    three thin expo dry erase markers 

    three pocket folders

    pictures, photos, stickers to decorate writing notebook (optional)

    old sock or rag to wipe away expo marker


    one package cap erasers

    small scissor

    glue stick

    one box crayons

    one box colored pencils

    pencil box to hold supplies


    box of tissues

    roll of paper towels

    disinfecting wipes










    All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to persue them. - Walt Disney









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