- Jackson Liberty High School
- Welcome
Lackay, Linda
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Welcome to Mrs. Lackay's class pages!
Email me at: llackay@jacksonsd.org
A numbered pocket cell phone holder will contain student cell phones upon entering class each day.
Students are encouraged to complete missed assignments, catch-up on assignments or receive one-on-one help during the Common Lunch Activity Period!
Click on the link below to access our Google Classroom page.
Semester 1 -Period 1 Child Development I Room D119
Semester 1 -Period 3 Fashion Tech I Room D110
Semester 1 -Period 4 Child Development I Room D119
Semester 2 - P2 Fashion Technology I Room D110
Semester 2 - P3 Basic Foods Room D112
Semester 2 - P4 Fashion Technology II Room D110
Semester 2
Basic Foods / D112 Basic Foods Course Proficiencies
Child Development I/D119 Course Proficiencies
Fashion Technology I / D110 Fashion Technology I Course Proficiencies
Fashion Technology II / D110 Fashion Technology II Course Proficiencies
Mrs. Linda Lackay
NJ Teacher of Family and Consumer Sciences K-12/Comprehensive
- Child and Family Development
- Foods/Nutrition and Food Science
- Apparel, Textiles and Interiors
NJ Teacher of English K-12
JLHS, Future Business Leaders of America Chapter Advisor
Jackson Township High School Scholarship Fund, Committee Member
A.A.S. Retail Buying and Merchandising, Fashion Institute of Technology
B.S. Human Resources, University of Delaware
M.A. Education, Georgian Court University
Fashion Buyer, Childrenswear, Accessories, Womens Sportswear, Mercantile Stores, Inc., New York, NY
Merchandise Manager, Bridge Jewelry, Giftware, Schrimshaw Handcrafts, Ocean Township, NJ