
  • Hello, my name is Mrs. Cornacchio. During the fall semesters I will be teaching Art Media Tech 1, Art Fundamentals, and Honors / JAA Studio Art 2. During the spring semesters I will be teaching Art Media Tech 1, Art Fundamentals, and Honors / JAA Studio Art 3. I am looking forward to the upcoming school year and spending the time getting to know the various artists in the classroom!


    During the first semester, I have regular office hours during the common lunch block on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:24 - 10:52 AM. Office hours are for students to come into the art room to recieve extra help on their assignments, have time to make up missing assignments, and to continue to their work independently. I highly recommend using this time provided during the school day as there are no after school hours to meet with students or latebusing. 

  • Room: D115

    Semester 1:

    Period 2: Art Media Tech 1

    Period 3: Art Fundamentals

    Period 4: JAA / Honors Studio Art 2

    Semester 2:

    Period 1: Art Fundamentals

    Period 2: Art Media Tech 2

    Period 4: JAA / Honors Studio Art 3



    Paint Palette