- Jackson Liberty High School
- Jackson Liberty News Archive
October Happenings
Dear Liberty Family,
The 2024-2025 school year is well underway. It’s hard to believe that we are almost to the end of the first marking period, which ends on Monday, October 21st. Report cards will be available on Wednesday, October 30th.
The seniors chosen were nominated by staff members for superlative achievement, whether it be for involvement in activities, academics, performance and sportsmanship, or showing outstanding improvement. A committee then reviews and makes selections.
Ryan Eitel
Tyler Mirao
The student athletes were nominated by their coaches because they have excelled in games, practices and in the classroom. The Athletic Excellence Squad reviews nominations and determines who will be honored each month.
Donovan Louis-Jacques
Delaney Spalthoff
Staff members are nominated by their peers for not only inspiring students and colleagues but also going above and beyond expectations day in and day out.
Mrs. Linda Lackay
October 7th through October 11th
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Wear Blue |
Favorite Jersey |
Hats |
Red, White, & Blue |
Liberty Gear |
World Day of Bullying Prevention Theme: Respect Staff |
Stronger as a Team
Theme: Respect Others |
Cap on Name Calling
Theme: There’s Value in Everybody |
United We Stand
Theme: Respect Community |
We are one Family
Theme: Respect School & Family |
Senior College Planning Night / Financial Aid Night @ JMHS
Wednesday, October 9th
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Join the Jackson School District Guidance Departments in the Jackson Memorial Fine Arts Auditorium. Come out for valuable information on not only the college application process but also the FAFSA and Financial Aid process.
Held at Fine Arts Auditorium / JMH
JTV's 4th Annual Spooktacular
Friday, October 11th
Starts at 6:30 PM
PREORDERED TICKETS through the above link - $10 Adult, $7 Students
All Tickets at the Door: $10
October 15th through October 21st
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Monday |
Wear Tie Dye |
Wear White |
Wear Orange |
Hat and/or Shiny Clothes |
College Sweatshirt |
Let’s Keep the Peace |
We are all the same regardless of our differences |
World Unity Day: United in kindness, acceptance and inclusion |
Hats off to getting along and being kind to one another |
To a future with no violence |
The Student Council is sponsoring our Annual Battle of the Classes at 6 pm on Wednesday, October 23rd in our Main Gym. The cost is $5 at the door and all are welcome to attend this exciting evening of friendly competition! Dress in your class colors: Freshmen/Orange, Sophomores/Yellow, Juniors/Green, Seniors/Pink
Friday, October 25th is our Homecoming Football game vs. Pinelands at 6 pm.
Saturday, October 26th from 7-10 pm Homecoming Dance
- The Grand Hallway will be transformed into a Garden Retreat!
- This event is only for Jackson Liberty and Jackson Memorial students. Also, alumni of Liberty under 21 years old with photo ID.
- This is a semi-formal event - NO Jeans
- Advanced Tickets: $10 per person; $15 per couple
- Advanced tickets are being sold in Ms. Borrelli’s room C103.
- At the Door Tickets: $15 per person
- Student enter Door 16; Socrates
- Snacks available at no cost. Parent donations/contributions are being accepted.
October 23rd through October 31st
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wear Red |
Wear Bright Colors |
Wear Team Jersey or Colors |
Wear PJs or Comfy Clothes |
Wear Camo or Black |
Spread the Red |
Too Bright for Drugs! |
Team Up Against Drugs |
Follow Your Dreams |
Don’t Let Drugs Find You! |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Wear Fave Outfit |
Halloween |
Be You & Be Proud |
Say Boooooo to Drugs |
Yearbook sales are live, don't miss out on the lowest price of the year. "Early Bird Sale" $90. Also, 4 free icons with personalization. Click here for the ordering link and all yearbook related important information.
Never miss a daily announcement. Find them on the Liberty homepage.
Tune in to Cablevision Channel 77 to see the Jackson School District’s programming which highlights events from all schools in the district.
Sports schedules can be found on Big Teams GO LIONS!!
Geoff Brignola, Principal