- Jackson Liberty High School
- JLHS Senior Information for Class of 2020
Updates for Graduation Dates for Both High Schools
Virtual Graduations will premiere at the times below on our JTV YouTube Channel on June 19th - Memorial at 1 p.m. and Liberty at 4 p.m.
For the LIVE High School Graduations in July, we have scheduled the dates below. The times for the graduation ceremonies are not yet finalized - we are creating a plan that takes into consideration the new guidelines and directives released this week. In general, families should plan for the possibility of morning and afternoon ceremonies. Rain dates are listed below as well, because these ceremonies must be held outdoors, as per state requirements.
We kindly ask that you do not contact the high schools with questions about times and the amount of tickets that will be allotted to each family, as those plans are still being developed. We will provide final details about times and tickets the week of June 29.
Jackson Memorial High School
Virtual Graduation - Premieres Friday, June 19 at 1 p.m.
Live Graduation - Wednesday, July 8.
- Time TBA
- Location: Football Field at JMHS
- In the event of rain, the rain date is Friday, July 10
Jackson Liberty High School
Virtual Graduation - Premieres Friday, June 19 at 4 p.m.
Live Graduation - Thursday, July 9.
- Time TBA
- Location: Football Field at JLHS
- In the event of rain, the rain date is Friday, July 10.