

    Mrs. Shilan & Mrs. Macaluso

    Room 112

    We are a Peanut Free Room!

    We will have a great year

    To contact us: 

    Mrs. Shilan: cashilan@jacksonsd.org 

                    Mrs. Macaluso: sjmacaluso@jacksonsd.org

    Google Classroom Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjIwNjQ4NTEwMjA1


    Welcome to Fourth Grade. We are looking forward to working with you to ensure your child has a safe and successful school year. We will keep you updated with school and classroom information on our class page and  our Google classroom. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. Our email addresses are posted at the top of this page. We are so excited to be working with your children this year.

     Please be sure to bring your charged chromebook to school each day!




    Special Area Schedule & Teacher Emails:          


    Additional Resources:




    Resources for Parents & Students

    We want you to know that we are here for you if you have any questions, need any assistance, or you just want to check in. This is a difficult time for everyone and we need to be supportive of each other. As your child’s teachers, our biggest concern is that your child is healthy, happy, and that they continue to learn.   

    There are so many resources available for you and your children. We have put together some links that might be helpful. Feel free to visit these links. 

    Math Resources

    Math On Line Remote Learning Resources

    Xtra Math

    Splash Math


    Social Well Being Resources from Mrs. Garbooshian

    Social Well Being Links

    Literacy Resources
