
    3rd grade

    Welcome to 3rd grade! Mrs. Kowalewski (Mrs. K) and I will work together as your child's third grade teachers this year. We are looking forward to a fabulous year. If you have any questions/concerns please email at jagruosso@jacksonsd.org

    Please check your student email and join our Google Classroom through the invite I sent  (Please note that the Google Classroom will be updated on or before Sept. 3rd).

    Please remember to bring your CLEAN, FULLY CHARGED Chromebook to school on the first day! It would be beneficial for your child to bring in their own headphones/earbuds to use over the course of the year. Please send them in a Ziploc baggie with their name clearly on it. 

    Students will be provided with scissors, glue sticks, planner and a folder for home/school work. Planners need to be checked and signed by a parent nightly. 

    Donations of tissues, Lysol/Clorox Wipes and hand sanitizer are always greatly appreciated. 



    Our Special Schedule:


    Tuesday-Gym (wear sneakers)


