JAA / Honors Studio Art 2 & 3

  • Grade 10 - 12 

    Prerequisites: JAA Academy Student or Studio Art I and teacher recommendation

    Part one of this full-year course is designed to refine the artists’ drawing and painting skills in the creation of visual imagery. Students are given exposure to specific techniques, media, and art making approaches to enhance their right-brain creativity and generate sophisticated pieces of art, which will be shown in public venues. Students receive extensive art appreciation and expected to respond to art both verbally and through written expression. Part two of this full-year course is designed to empower students to find methods of visualizing and executing personal ideas. It involves extensive drawing practice, problem solving and critical thinking processes, which lead to a strong portfolio and allow the artist to begin the Concentration portion of the AP Exam. Students in this program are considering an art-related career such as, but not limited to Illustration, Painting, Fashion, Advertising, Game Design, and others For JAA Academy Strand Students:  Attendance and performance in exhibits as well as in-school collaborations/projects/sectionals are a requirement of this course; these sessions occur during the school day, after school and/or in the evening. This strand  also partakes and/or exhibits for school and community functions.  Students enrolled in the JAA Academy participate in Master Experiences, Residency Experiences, and required Ensemble Production Experiences for their strand.


Van Gogh